> 102 0 l 108 8.6863 105.3137 6 102 6 c -0.015 Tc 102 12 m 174 0 m 174 0 m 30 24 l 111.4612 192.6814 l 198 246 l ET f ET (to these chemicals: work in a well ven-)Tj 138.2291 187.8878 l 105.3137 486 108 483.3137 108 480 c 1.67 0 TD 148.0155 250.4004 m 78 12 m /GS1 gs 0.013 Tw Q /GS2 gs (ADVER)Tj endobj (4)Tj 105.3137 486 108 483.3137 108 480 c 54.5208 276.2472 l 186 249.3137 188.6863 252 192 252 c 1.35471 0 Td -0.02 Tc BT -0.02 Tc 105.3137 486 108 483.3137 108 480 c 144.6903 195.8613 144.0077 196.2762 143.2219 196.2762 c (. -0.017 Tw 174 492 m q T* 30 24 l 51.0091 274.0712 l /F1 1 Tf 204 462 m 0 -1.125 TD 136.963 239.1034 l T* q -0.037 Tw 0.005 Tw 108 8.6863 105.3137 6 102 6 c LASER CUTTER UNBOXING Front View Back View Hex Box™ Back … 180 462 l 128.3912 322.4374 l 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c 8 0 0 8 43.464 375.936 Tm 102 492 m (The obligation of the warrantor is)Tj 125.2439 74.7825 m 106.9191 164.2181 106.3449 164.2846 105.8839 164.9428 c 0.025 Tw Instructions Reusable Test Material Tote Bag & Straps LASER CUTTER QUICK START GUIDE READ THE DREMEL LC40 OPERATING/SAFETY INSTRUCTION BEFORE SETUP AND USE. 96 15.3137 98.6863 18 102 18 c /F1 1 Tf 192 222 l (-4-)Tj f 52.8802 270.0689 l 6 249.3137 8.6863 252 12 252 c 78 12 m 63.8013 428.4507 m 102 24 m 108 8.6863 105.3137 6 102 6 c 174 468 l f* 56.4015 274.3521 m BT -0.015 Tc (DM 2610951642 05-07 5/7/07 12:00 PM Page 20)Tj 99.6758 315.2288 m (switch. 0 Tw 121.7879 316.1845 120.5509 313.1224 v 180 30 l s BT 97.8793 300.8116 97.0656 300.9645 96.9184 301.4248 c 0.4804 0 Td T* 1 J 1 j 0.19 Tw 12 270 m 192 222 l 30 24 l 0 246 m T* Dans la plupart des )Tj 167.3964 295.3624 154.5072 304.6444 y 98.7463 299.4919 99.8596 299.2849 100.0604 298.6554 c Le symbole)Tj (Figure 2)Tj 102 12 m 138.6282 227.0277 l 24 462 l 105.3137 486 108 483.3137 108 480 c 15.3137 252 18 249.3137 18 246 c T* 30 492 m (consiste \234nicamente en reparar o)Tj (2. 188.6863 240 186 242.6863 186 246 c 102 12 m Goggles and a dust mask are also engraving essentials – you don’t want to be breathing in tiny glass or metal shards (or getting it anywhere near your eyes). 126.0773 170.9603 127.4835 171.1146 127.7228 171.183 c S 57.9225 274.2832 l (medios elec-)Tj 129.6387 79.9788 l 174 492 m (No)Tj 146.4377 150.0619 l 0.411 0 TD 128.8392 218.2406 m 67.6948 271.0433 l /F2 1 Tf T* q 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c 30 24 l 131.4358 76.1817 l -0.015 Tc T* /GS2 gs 198 242.6863 195.3137 240 192 240 c (connaissance du syst\217me. 145.2199 157.9555 l 0 0 0 1 k 204 462 m T* 102 24 m 0.005 Tc S 18 246 l (encajar\207 solamente de una manera en)Tj 0.25 w 141.4958 190.5515 l 122.5563 190.0722 115.0725 190.0566 108.101 190.6054 c ET 0 -1.575 TD 180 30 l 188.6863 240 186 242.6863 186 246 c [(or direct from the factor)-18(y)55(. 192 270 m 151.6087 337.2624 m 90.5245 171.9037 m 0.025 Tw 192 246 m (1)Tj 122.7821 218.9719 123.378 220.3008 123.238 221.8325 c 126 480 l 0.366 Tw 24 246 l 161.1908 291.7821 161.0954 291.8466 160.72 292.1285 c /GS1 gs 98.6863 6 96 8.6863 96 12 c q -0.0151 Tc (estos agentes qu\222micos: trabaje en un)Tj 0.092 Tw 0 246 m (produits de ma\215onnerie, et)Tj T* 135.6314 218.6397 m 99.8439 298.252 m 108 480 l 0.253 Tw 101.736 291.6457 101.2192 290.7945 100.2871 290.2315 c 145.881 130.9908 m S 51.8871 269.4681 53.8232 268.0725 55.3903 268.5853 c -0.015 Tc 102 12 m 30 24 l T* 180 462 l 56.4059 274.6044 l 0 0 0 1 k -1.0625 -1.485 TD 102 0 l 0.5 w 12 270 m 204 246 l 58.5619 271.5825 l 192 222 l f 50.7902 170.3724 51.2042 170.4349 51.6437 170.4642 c 174 24 l 141.5323 127.276 l (au lieu d'un syst\217me de mise \210 la terre. 0.5 w (properly install the engraver point)Tj s q 113.6163 164.9349 114.379 165.0775 115.004 165.183 c 57.2843 239.1034 l Q s 0.025 Tw >> -0.015 Tc 164.3441 294.2604 164.1458 293.5364 163.2826 292.7878 c 24 462 l 100.1631 292.309 100.9893 292.35 101.2396 291.9347 c ET 0.215 Tw 57.7911 271.6297 l f 198 242.6863 195.3137 240 192 240 c ET 105.3137 486 108 483.3137 108 480 c 147.62 197.7208 145.2903 197.8608 144.937 197.5792 c T* 0.141 Tw 141.6062 268.0076 l 0.025 Tw (de utilizar el electrodom\216stico. -1.19329 -1.125 TD 107.7608 287.5705 107.2136 286.5789 106.179 285.9104 c T* [(PLUS DE L)92(\325OBLIGA)55(TION SUSVIS\203E)]TJ 0 Tw 51.3334 269.8713 l 62.8492 286.776 57.4766 284.6637 y 53.3956 167.8822 53.3351 169.0219 53.0831 169.2631 c 0 462 m 82.4036 295.9071 67.1588 290.2601 64.5239 285.7445 c T* 0.025 Tw (tilated area, and work with approved)Tj 110.379 170.599 110.548 169.0795 110.4445 168.3021 c 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c -0.004 Tw 0.025 Tw (de vous pr\216valoir de la garantie sur le)Tj T* 186 249.3137 188.6863 252 192 252 c /GS1 gs (doble est\207 mar)Tj 24 30 l 151.4817 124.8791 150.803 124.2004 149.9658 124.2004 c 125.2439 222.4325 m 4 M 0.49 w 135.2765 171.2719 134.5245 171.1283 133.964 171.183 c 198 242.6863 195.3137 240 192 240 c 108 476.6863 105.3137 474 102 474 c 144.7126 75.9602 l -0.011 Tc T* 148.0155 102.7504 m -0.01 Tc 105.3137 486 108 483.3137 108 480 c << )Tj W n 0.721 w 110.5846 192.5707 108.6736 190.0869 108.8655 189.2859 c 195.3137 252 198 249.3137 198 246 c [(es necesaria una super)-18(visi\227n )]TJ 0 0 0 1 k 6.62165 0 TD S 195.3137 252 198 249.3137 198 246 c 60.5302 286.0745 m 108 480 l s -0.0151 Tc 144.7126 223.6102 l -0.015 Tc 162.1993 213.6446 168.5918 215.2442 166.793 233.0203 c 98.9516 280.3549 93.9911 280.1447 v 108 480 l 141.8983 77.7801 140.8249 76.2613 140.8249 74.3846 c 55.524 287.375 l 124.8452 230.0239 l 0.032 Tw 78 480 m 98.6863 6 96 8.6863 96 12 c )Tj 0.025 Tw (make sure the)Tj (movimiento el interruptor de encendi)Tj 0.25 w q 180 246 m 147.8937 152.5694 l 8 0 0 8 33 483 Tm 0.22 Tw 8 0 0 8 104.464 442.536 Tm 71.4601 171.2221 72.0558 170.8217 72.0441 170.224 c (ciones var\222a, dependiendo de con)Tj 102 480 m (NON AUTORIS\203ES, D'UTILISA)Tj 125.0444 189.4857 l 117.3549 223.0964 132.612 229.0222 148.7639 233.4729 c 150.689 125.7178 150.7896 125.8891 150.7896 126.0879 c f 1 G 195.3137 252 198 249.3137 198 246 c 6 249.3137 8.6863 252 12 252 c The Dremel Shop operations are run out of Racine, WI, and as of March 25th, the state has issued a “safer-at-home” order in an effort to keep protecting its citizens. 47.5306 111.7207 m 145.6196 74.3846 m 30 468 l (dommages en cours de route dont)Tj (territoire continental des \203tats-Unis,)Tj 18 246 l Q BT 102 24 m 138.9391 222.9497 130.0446 221.7844 125.0382 215.6591 c 11.30124 0 TD 0.37 Tw 0.005 Tc 154.394 169.4076 153.61 170.4135 152.444 170.4642 c 204 246 l 1 scn T* q -0.029 Tw 131.2366 190.6851 l 0.005 Tc 0.313 Tw 0 30 m (l\325endroit o\235 vous l\325avez achet\216. 55.472 268.5761 55.554 268.5668 55.6379 268.5565 c /GS0 gs 56.9136 270.8073 56.9155 270.8299 56.9208 270.8524 c Replacement parts for a double-)Tj 195.3137 252 198 249.3137 198 246 c q 72.4376 169.0267 72.8312 169.306 72.7638 170.224 c Si elle n'entre toujours pas)Tj 58.7972 273.9684 m 8 0 0 8 43.464 162.576 Tm 118.1343 127.3858 l 143.2219 77.7801 l 204 462 m S 157.0288 295.0528 156.76 294.6785 156.1468 294.7526 c 127.1957 304.2837 126.7916 300.712 127.532 300.4936 c endstream 0 0 0 1 k 0.504 w 128.4396 233.2196 l 102 12 m 122.7821 189.8179 123.378 191.1468 123.238 192.6785 c 149.6696 78.1656 m 126.6422 199.6719 l 98.6863 6 96 8.6863 96 12 c 123.2453 69.1926 l -0.022 Tc (pour les travaux industriels et )Tj 108 476.6863 105.3137 474 102 474 c 108 480 l (que la punta del)Tj 145.6036 167.1029 m T* 0 Tw 131.3331 192.2959 141.2717 194.08 145.881 199.6308 c (fa\215on suivante :)Tj 192 270 m Operating Instructions No matter how you use your Dremel electric engraver,you’ll do a profes-sional-like job by following the simple operating instructions shown. 148.892 71.5246 150.7283 72.7961 151.2938 73.7137 c 125.2618 195.4236 125.3008 194.789 125.3831 194.1462 c 18 246 l 180 30 l (enchufe de ninguna manera. 1.092 Tw 174 24 l (marked on the back label \(name plate)Tj 0.643 Tw [(une baignoire ou un \216vier)74(. 141.6062 380.9207 l 124.4456 199.272 l S 90.6348 291.3408 l -14.384 -1.125 TD 8 0 0 8 43.464 442.536 Tm endstream T* 102 24 m /F0 1 Tf endobj 192 270 m 30 492 m 174 24 l T* 123.4465 225.6293 m 174 468 l BT 0.005 Tc 102 492 m Q [(GARANTIE DE QUELQUE NA)55(TURE QUE)]TJ (travaux. 8 0 0 8 104.142 236.4748 Tm 12 222 l 0 0 0 1 k 108 8.6863 105.3137 6 102 6 c (adresse et num\216ro de t\216l\216-)Tj T* Q 1 G )Tj -0.026 Tw [(this written warranty)55(, please take the)]TJ Q (o)' 158.711 217.1489 157.8585 210.4384 y 1 J 1 j 0.4095 w 30 24 l 174 24 l 0.79688 -1.125 TD s (tain that the outlet voltage you are)Tj 115.004 171.9037 l 96 15.3137 98.6863 18 102 18 c q 24 30 l 0.5373 w 0.368 Tw -0.0201 Tc BT 118.8525 225.0311 m /GS1 gs 195.3137 252 198 249.3137 198 246 c 30 24 l 10 0 0 10 47.957 384.936 Tm 140.8249 77.7801 m 0.044 Tw -0.03 Tc ET 97.2927 282.3308 95.6788 280.1272 93.8856 280.1272 c -0.013 Tc 78 480 m 108 480 l 30 24 l 0 0 0 1 k [(Giles T)74(ool Agency)]TJ 0.025 Tw 180 462 l /GS2 gs 99.9737 288.1357 100.5212 289.1282 101.555 289.7957 c (-13-)Tj /GS2 gs 174 492 m T* 0.638 Tw 121.2138 76.7359 121.0029 76.8965 120.8491 76.7828 c 102 24 m 78 480 m q -0.015 Tc 6 249.3137 8.6863 252 12 252 c T* 174 492 m 150.5724 140.1489 l Some)Tj endstream 0.081 Tw 8.1 0 0 9 57.1695 236.5833 Tm 102 480 m 140.6262 225.8315 l 0.223 Tw 96 483.3137 98.6863 486 102 486 c 148.4122 220.6953 m T* 52.3136 273.8784 l /GS1 gs 59.149 273.3565 59.044 273.6056 58.9492 273.7625 c f 59.6559 268.7368 64.6553 269.5861 65.6171 270.4866 c BT 131.2768 315.8625 129.673 312.6499 128.4332 308.4652 c 105.3137 486 108 483.3137 108 480 c 0.287 Tw 96 483.3137 98.6863 486 102 486 c 78 12 m 0.42 Tw 0.526 Tw 0.259 Tw T* Q 63.8013 428.4507 m ET /CS0 CS 1 SCN 57.6095 433.5155 l 23 0 obj 1.125 Tw 138.2291 69.3918 l 174 468 l 186 249.3137 188.6863 252 192 252 c 102 480 m 132.2365 215.444 l -0.015 Tc [(AGE TO THE PRODUCT RESUL)74(TING)]TJ 131.1098 196.4453 134.8803 200.5927 138.4662 205.4638 c q 136.625 315.6994 l 12 222 l -1.0625 -1.485 TD 1.82965 0 TD ET BT ET [(e\) )6(No utilice la unidad a la intemperie. )Tj 123.6212 165.0267 123.2824 165.181 122.9249 165.183 c s 74.7355 169.0892 74.8478 170.5892 75.1632 171.183 c ET /GS1 gs 140.9473 72.0274 l 1 J 1 j 1.437 Tw 110.0841 172.8656 m f Q q /GS3 gs 30 24 l 100.4256 294.6488 99.8476 293.6749 98.7939 293.0388 c T* 12 222 l S T* 8 0 0 8 33 483 Tm q (del grabador dentro del portapuntas y)Tj q 137.2752 305.7272 m f 204 30 m 180 246 m Q 0 462 m -0.015 Tc 8 0 0 8 49.839 442.536 Tm 174 24 l 0.025 Tw (Dremel, )Tj 0.391 Tw 138.6952 285.3089 l 98.6863 474 96 476.6863 96 480 c 188.6863 240 186 242.6863 186 246 c -0.015 Tc 72.3165 166.3627 72.2413 166.1928 72.2833 166.1439 c (In a double-insulated appliance, two)Tj 0 0 0 1 k -0.015 Tc T* 96 15.3137 98.6863 18 102 18 c 152.4933 133.1632 l 43.464 284.25 73.394 14.667 re 0.7969 0 TD 139.8429 239.1034 l 174 492 m 204 30 m 0 30 m 180 246 m (-20-)Tj 102 480 m -0.0101 Tc 188.6863 240 186 242.6863 186 246 c 161.9989 104.747 148.0155 102.7504 y 192 270 m -0.021 Tw f 126 480 l /Length 4702 145.8273 157.5478 m -0.029 Tw 129.8861 318.2822 127.7739 315.0094 126.08 309.826 c 44.092 109.033 116.444 19.967 re 132.3545 311.8549 132.7595 315.4238 132.0191 315.6429 c 105.3137 18 108 15.3137 108 12 c 50.3952 274.2209 50.5136 273.3001 50.8002 272.4994 c /GS1 gs (por ejemplo m\207scaras antipolvo que)Tj s 127.7228 171.9037 m -1.0625 -1.485 TD BT It turned out to be easier than I expected and I’m very happy with the results. T* (It is important to)Tj 188.6863 240 186 242.6863 186 246 c 51.3334 269.8713 l 1 G 97.1284 296.464 96.0149 296.671 95.8136 297.3005 c 0.368 Tw T* T* 145.3735 194.4562 l 139.0471 310.4853 l T* 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c 180 462 l /GS2 gs 147.5431 127.2698 l 30 468 l >> /GS2 gs endstream 0 -1.125 TD (DE SEGURIDAD)Tj q 0.5625 0 TD (Cette garantie n\325est offerte qu\325\210 )Tj 78 480 m 131.7976 318.8269 l (Figure 3)Tj Use a light touch guiding)Tj 0.142 Tw T* [(Dremel Ser)-18(vice Center)]TJ 158.0172 293.6726 m (. 51.8871 269.4681 53.8232 268.0725 55.3903 268.5853 c /GS2 gs 145.12 398.8576 143.5467 400.4335 141.6062 400.4335 c 30 468 l 1 G ET /F3 1 Tf T* /GS2 gs 0.123 Tw 24 30 l f S 61.1368 429.7524 60.7784 429.2378 60.2336 428.9232 c /F0 1 Tf ET The Dremel® 2290 three-tool maker kit includes everything you will need to find more Inspiration in your craft and hobby projects inside and outside of the home. )Tj 0.095 Tw 102 12 m 108 476.6863 105.3137 474 102 474 c (garant\222a, en caso de que se puedan)Tj T* 0.009 Tc 30 0 m 29 479 228.8 14 re 0 30 m T* /GS1 gs endstream /GS1 gs 149.6696 196.6617 m 78 12 m (pointing to the number \3221\323 on the)Tj 157.9443 297.8337 m 131.2768 315.8625 129.673 312.6499 128.4332 308.4652 c 108 12 l /GS1 gs -0.02 Tw 140.8249 77.7801 m 8 0 0 8 104.142 171.1316 Tm 0.025 Tw 0.064 Tw 144.8514 75.9602 m 113.7088 73.119 112.3398 74.295 111.4612 74.1853 c (can be made, will be charged at )Tj 150.5724 136.8519 l 0.25 w 0.005 Tc /GS2 gs /CS0 CS 1 SCN 0.79688 -1.125 TD ET 0.698 0.675 0.639 0.741 k /OP false 0.369 Tw s T* 100.381 305.5 59.905 59.036 re 0 0 0 0 k 29 479 228.8 14 re 198 246 l 0.105 Tw 96 483.3137 98.6863 486 102 486 c 141.3195 155.3445 136.8369 151.726 132.0573 145.2309 c (dans la prise, contactez un \216lectricien)Tj 0.375 Tw 1.429 Tw 102 24 m 0 -1.125 TD 0 J 0 j 0.21 Tw (el tomacorriente, invierta el enchufe. 96 483.3137 98.6863 486 102 486 c 8 0 0 8 46.6531 70.3231 Tm 98.6863 6 96 8.6863 96 12 c 186 249.3137 188.6863 252 192 252 c 180 246 m 69.3403 281.4737 69.3971 282.3102 69.7342 282.4064 c 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c 0 -1.125 TD 102 0 l 0 -1.125 TD 1 G 151.6087 401.7024 m 0.36979 -2.06347 TD -0.022 Tw 138.0175 335.2456 137.9931 334.9273 v [(R\203SUL)74(T)55(ANT DE MANIPULA)55(TIONS)]TJ 6 249.3137 8.6863 252 12 252 c 12 270 m 50.841 169.0131 50.8253 167.89 50.9249 167.3431 c (MA)Tj 0.369 Tw /GS0 gs (hold a pencil. 131.4358 194.6777 l 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c s 59.7855 268.5607 64.7865 269.4097 65.7476 270.3081 c 0.268 Tw 0.025 Tw /GS2 gs [(SERVICING OF DOUBLE-INSULA)55(TED)]TJ 90.4376 164.2142 90.5812 164.3373 90.7638 164.4642 c If the plug does not fit)]TJ 0.115 Tw 26 0 obj 24 246 l 105.6442 288.3561 106.6363 288.4463 106.945 287.9673 c (INSTRUCTIONS)Tj (mente. (ool Agency)Tj 204 30 m /GS1 gs 0.034 Tw 105.3137 486 108 483.3137 108 480 c (adicional para electrodom\216sticos)Tj (brazo c\227modamente sobre una mesa. 0.001 Tc /F1 1 Tf (housing. 102 0 l T* 150.7726 139.7103 l 180 30 l -0.004 Tc 113.7088 191.615 112.3398 192.791 111.4612 192.6814 c 1 scn (la garant\222a, Dremel reparar\207 o)Tj 98.6863 6 96 8.6863 96 12 c 4.72216 0 TD 79.9083 167.4096 79.7745 165.6166 79.2433 164.9428 c 51.0555 271.3982 l (LOS DA\204OS AL PRODUCTO)Tj Q ‹‹ . f [(UNAPPROVED A)55(TT)55(ACHMENTS OR)]TJ 102 480 m 29 479 224 14 re 153.5783 139.8297 m 0.025 Tw T* 108 12 l s 57.7756 271.8441 l 105.3137 18 108 15.3137 108 12 c 0.078 Tw 137.4332 305.7797 m 0.719 w 5 0 0 5 99.0862 43.714 Tm 0.186 Tw 148.6105 131.4869 l (Operating/Safety)Tj 12 270 m /F3 1 Tf 126 480 l 96.8468 169.0599 96.6984 168.9252 96.2833 168.7826 c 0.562 Tw BT 24 30 l 12 246 m 139.7912 197.8957 l 0.01 Tc 1 G T* 119.6225 145.2722 120.0988 136.0647 125.7169 131.5085 c 198 246 l 136.0395 184.9137 137.741 186.3726 138.8333 188.5207 c 78 480 m T* 164.3441 294.2604 164.1458 293.5364 163.2826 292.7878 c q 0.124 Tw 126 480 l 0.502 Tw 0.5 w T* 180 246 m 0.5373 w T* T* 108 12 l 133.4335 202.069 l (tomacorriente cuando no se est\216)Tj 104.2995 248.495 m -0.0151 Tc T* 126.136 217.37 129.9583 212.9538 133.98 213.2924 c ET (de ajuste ubicado en el portapuntas del)Tj -0.036 Tw T* (doble ni se debe a\226adir al )Tj 136.963 172.8656 m f 3.0035 0 TD -0.0151 Tc T* BT 204 246 l 6.75914 0 TD 159.5007 298.6634 159.748 299.1577 159.8033 299.5421 c 204 462 m 0 0 0 0 k 1.68 Tw /GS1 gs 116.8038 172.8656 m 0 Tw -0.015 Tc 0 -1.566 TD T* (pas le burin)Tj )Tj 68.9467 273.4641 67.3942 271.6757 v -0.045 Tc f 160.72 292.1285 m 0 462 m 6 249.3137 8.6863 252 12 252 c T* T* 0.35 Tw 0.005 Tc 135.5523 213.1629 136.9571 212.8055 138.6282 212.4475 c -0.009 Tc 96 15.3137 98.6863 18 102 18 c 0.165 Tw 174 0 m 180 246 m 192 222 l -0.011 Tw 141.4132 219.184 l 46.6248 269.6497 45.97 269.9881 45.6312 269.8618 c -0.015 Tc 24 30 l (wear or abuse, or repair for product)Tj 126 12 l Q (means is provided on a double-insulated)Tj 195.3137 252 198 249.3137 198 246 c 12 222 l 18 242.6863 15.3137 240 12 240 c 1 g 0.661 Tw S /CS0 cs 0 scn (your engraver is carbide steel. 101.4435 239.1034 l [(C. )-300(d\325une indication de vos nom,)]TJ 100.2266 302.6932 m 86.0841 239.1034 l 0.37 Tw 53.3856 272.5374 l 30 468 l T* 0.114 Tw Q 96 483.3137 98.6863 486 102 486 c 0.02 Tw 128.4396 204.0656 l /F3 1 Tf (AS COUVER)Tj ET S (Racine, WI 53406)Tj (-)Tj ET 128.8392 70.5906 l 98.6863 474 96 476.6863 96 480 c 0.025 Tw [(commer)20(ciaux n\216cessitant un fonction)-1(-)]TJ 0.204 Tw 60.583 426.5663 l q 0.357 Tw 56.4428 273.9327 56.1593 273.2283 56.3358 272.4817 c 103.6583 285.7074 m 12 270 m 180 462 l 0 246 m 102 492 m (chimiques qui sont des causes )Tj 174 0 m f Simply place the paper on the metal surface, lay the pattern on top and trace over it with a pencil. When you’re an engraving novice, it’s better to choose something a little more soft. (tiendriez normalement un crayon. ET 204 462 m 51.4234 416.378 44.372 423.4294 44.372 432.128 c 8 0 obj 96 15.3137 98.6863 18 102 18 c 180 30 l 0 Tw 152.15 146.4313 l 101.4435 167.1029 m [(for Ser)-18(vicing of Double-Insulated)]TJ 0 0 0 1 k 145.2199 223.2986 l 126 480 l T* /GS3 gs Q 8 0 0 8 33 483 Tm )Tj 0.258 Tw 123.646 78.9789 125.6435 73.9855 128.0408 70.5906 c >> 78 12 m 0 0 0 0 k 12 270 m 0.02 Tw 57.5596 271.7813 l 188.6863 240 186 242.6863 186 246 c 98.6863 6 96 8.6863 96 12 c S T* 198 246 l (Desenchufe la unidad del )Tj Q f 15.3137 252 18 249.3137 18 246 c 192 270 m 0 0 0 1 k 0 0 0 1 k BT 204 462 m /GS2 gs 29 479 224 14 re 98.6863 474 96 476.6863 96 480 c 61.2625 430.317 l -0.015 Tc 180 246 m (En un electrodom\216stico con aislamien-)Tj 30 468 l 50.0421 168.1166 50.132 169.3158 50.4445 169.9838 c (Para precios y cumplimiento de la)Tj S (de courant polaris\216e ad\216quate. 161.2222 292.4977 162.2521 292.8677 163.2587 294.5238 c 102 24 m q 0.28 Tw 102 468 l 195.3137 252 198 249.3137 198 246 c 108 480 l 132.0887 332.7959 134.4411 333.5304 v 0.12 Tw 0.025 Tw 186 249.3137 188.6863 252 192 252 c 45.0703 267.9659 46.4359 267.7412 46.7755 267.8676 c -0.0151 Tc /GS1 gs 153.4533 140.468 l 180 462 l -0.015 Tc 126 12 l 71.6847 239.1034 l 83.4015 168.8431 85.4757 168.8021 85.004 166.3822 c f /GS0 gs endobj 149.1284 124.2004 148.4498 124.8791 148.4498 125.7164 c 204 462 m T* BT 192 270 m 150.674 140.8716 l (b\211ti du burin contr\231le la longueur de la)Tj 0.146 Tw 174 492 m 0 -1.125 TD 0.573 Tw 65.2283 127.0128 65.203 121.4501 v 12 222 l 132.2365 215.444 l 0.074 Tw 0 0 0 1 k 108 480 l -0.004 Tw 51.0555 271.3982 l 174 24 l 192 222 l (jo de tipo profesional siguiendo las)Tj 140.8249 196.2762 m [(trabajo industrial y comer)20(cial en el que)]TJ 0 0 0 0 k endobj 20 0 0 20 43.464 366.536 Tm [(c\) )238(No haga contacto con las piezas)]TJ 198 246 l 126.6422 228.8259 l 198 246 l 51.278 295.975 m S 108 476.6863 105.3137 474 102 474 c S 102 24 m 127.2743 135.4388 125.2018 129.8522 126.3498 129.0069 c 57.5108 271.4173 l 2.2088 0 TD << s 133.3374 384.436 l 85.6339 171.1224 85.8947 171.2279 85.964 171.4232 c 150.1301 153.3186 l BT /GS1 gs 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c 102 12 m 0 0 0 1 k -0.016 Tc endobj (double isolation, et il ne faut pas)Tj 143.279 281.7935 m (des dommages accessoires ou indi)Tj Q /CS0 CS 1 SCN 0.077 Tw S 70.3644 171.183 m 13.81623 0 TD Q 126.6875 127.276 l 0.503 Tw %PDF-1.3 180 462 l 105.3137 18 108 15.3137 108 12 c /GS1 gs 8 0 0 8 33 483 Tm (y)Tj 57.9225 274.2832 l 98.6863 474 96 476.6863 96 480 c 108 12 l 12 246 m s 127.8784 319.2319 122.413 316.5984 120.4956 311.6049 c 192 270 m ET 0.25 w (-5-)Tj Q 124.8452 230.0239 l Q /F1 1 Tf 0.77346 0 Td -0.008 Tc 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c /Length 10469 100.381 257.027 59.905 59.036 re (position d'arr\220t (\307 O \310), puis)Tj (CLAIMED BY DREMEL AND EXCLUD-)Tj (comenzar\207 a desgastarse y ser\207)Tj (reemplazar\207 el producto gratuitamente)Tj /GS1 gs ET 0.005 Tc 147.3034 295.9226 146.2743 296.7551 145.4415 297.3436 c BT 0.5994 0 Td ET 102 480 m 60.9949 123.4004 58.9278 123.5305 y (un interruptor de)Tj 126 480 l -0.015 Tc 204 30 m 0.698 0.675 0.639 0.741 k /GS1 gs 102 492 m 0 -1.125 TD 198 242.6863 195.3137 240 192 240 c /GS2 gs 18 246 l 14.30124 0 TD )]TJ T* 98.6863 474 96 476.6863 96 480 c [(W)18(ARNING)]TJ 204 462 m T* f 100.381 187.189 59.905 59.036 re -0.015 Tc f 18 246 l S 72.8684 280.4204 72.4371 280.9731 72.1603 281.7761 c 0.025 Tw (ABUSIFS, DE N\203GLIGENCE, DE)Tj /CS0 CS 1 SCN T* 108 476.6863 105.3137 474 102 474 c ET 30 24 l 18 242.6863 15.3137 240 12 240 c 204 246 l 0.143 Tw 9.78618 0 TD 12 270 m T* 132.2365 186.29 l 62.8492 286.776 57.4766 284.6637 y h 66.5791 271.3845 68.9704 272.6223 66.58 279.5221 c 1.684 Tw -0.65915 -1.125 TD 195.3137 252 198 249.3137 198 246 c 0.5 w s 195.3137 252 198 249.3137 198 246 c [(regular factor)-18(y prices. 57.5108 271.4173 l 12 246 m 0 0 0 1 k 204 246 l 111.6932 111.7049 l 0.025 Tw /GS2 gs 144.7628 339.679 141.7173 338.7003 138.1407 337.0831 c ET 58.5766 274.1842 l 113.5187 164.2181 112.9445 164.2846 112.6046 164.9428 c 0.189 Tw (TERIAL O)Tj 98.6863 6 96 8.6863 96 12 c 0 30 m 128.8392 70.5906 m S 0 -1.125 TD 135.5523 65.5129 136.9571 65.1555 138.6282 64.7975 c W n 0 -1.125 TD /GS2 gs BT 135.9679 168.7963 135.8947 170.2221 135.6437 170.7025 c (electrodom\216stico con aislamiento)Tj 138.6282 70.9897 l 0.5 w 71.5226 123.8168 l [(B. 0.01 Tc 105.3137 486 108 483.3137 108 480 c /Subtype/Type1C T* 140.3931 70.1448 146.6362 70.0656 147.6908 70.7488 c /GS2 gs 0 462 m 123.4465 77.9793 l 30 0 m T* 0.084 Tw Anything flat. q 0.25 w (phone, \210 l\325adresse suivante :)Tj 0 462 m f 0.025 Tw 0.064 Tw T* -0.01 Tc 15.3137 252 18 249.3137 18 246 c 204 246 l 0.112 Tw 135.179 322.2043 l 1.14575 -1.87593 TD 180 246 m 30 468 l 52.6976 269.7737 l (incidental o emergente debido a)Tj 174 492 m 118.8525 77.3811 m 151.8586 222.2825 151.7175 224.7557 149.6696 225.8156 c 67.1588 271.4401 66.5944 271.3938 y 125.2439 193.2785 l 0 -1.125 TD Plug in, switch on, and you’re ready to start practising! 102 480 m 113.8501 190.0839 m f* 30 0 m /GS1 gs -0.015 Tc [(\322Ser)-18(vicio de ajustes y reparaciones de)]TJ 0 -1.485 TD Make sure it’s untreated. 0.135 Tw 153.009 143.9105 l Q 30 24 l 1.629 Tw 174 468 l 77.4739 285.9812 77.5311 286.8189 77.8688 286.9153 c 0 246 m 24 246 l 60.9686 117.6255 60.9817 120.4966 v 67.7646 430.7154 l 50.064 269.6642 l 141.8983 225.4301 140.8249 223.9114 140.8249 222.0346 c S (Il)Tj 0.211 Tw (2. T* Q 102 24 m 123.2453 187.6886 l T* 100.3165 115.3858 l s /GS2 gs 30 0 m S 1.13817 0 Td 0.005 Tc s 204 30 m /GS1 gs 0 Tw 7 0 obj (held firmly in)Tj 140.6262 196.6775 l (TION)Tj 186 249.3137 188.6863 252 192 252 c 1 scn 0 Tc (l'appareil. T* s (Figure 1)Tj 0 246 m 8 0 0 8 51.1438 252.5043 Tm 78 480 m 0 0 0 1 k s 150.4933 205.1826 150.4738 214.8181 144.8576 219.3742 c 141.8983 225.4301 140.8249 223.9114 140.8249 222.0346 c 0 462 m (de los Estados Unidos, p\227ngase en)Tj 100.3433 123.7888 l f 65.4184 287.8618 67.3942 288.9909 v 204 30 m 100.0194 302.4143 m 51.7564 115.4176 l (comfortably on a)Tj 138.6952 333.7819 l f 47.5306 127.262 l 78 12 m 126 12 l 44.372 440.8266 51.4234 447.878 60.122 447.878 c 56.727 270.4771 l 108 476.6863 105.3137 474 102 474 c 15.3137 252 18 249.3137 18 246 c 137.6015 335.809 m -0.015 Tc T* 135.5523 184.0089 136.9571 183.6515 138.6282 183.2935 c endobj 43.464 265.2 117.072 75.3 re /GS1 gs 135.6314 70.9897 m )Tj 104.8492 285.8121 104.0235 285.7465 103.7612 286.1526 c 0 0 0 1 k 113.6874 267.473 l 0.3 w 126 480 l 122.7821 218.9719 123.378 220.3008 123.238 221.8325 c f 0.346 Tw 144.8514 194.4562 m 45.2927 269.7349 44.7668 268.568 44.9183 268.2673 c 102 480 m f (D\325ACCESSOIRES NON APPROUV\203S)Tj 112.9757 170.2103 112.9562 168.806 112.8449 168.3021 c BT S (\322Instrucciones de instalaci\227n\323. 18 242.6863 15.3137 240 12 240 c 126 480 l 0 Tw 0 462 m f 145.12 396.9182 m 192 270 m 96 15.3137 98.6863 18 102 18 c 0.352 Tw )Tj 0 -1.1 TD 98.6863 474 96 476.6863 96 480 c /CS0 CS 1 SCN 133.3374 269.5803 134.913 268.0076 136.8536 268.0076 c 198 246 l 0.358 Tw 16 0 0 20 43.464 366.536 Tm 113.9365 187.3974 113.9913 188.5523 113.8501 190.0839 c 8 0 0 8 43.464 415.536 Tm 58.3671 274.8177 56.6607 274.3828 y 125.2439 193.2785 l 0 0 0 1 k -0.02 Tc 56.9689 274.0569 m 0 492 0 0 re W n 198 242.6863 195.3137 240 192 240 c ET T* 148.0155 221.2464 m 198 246 l 132.3545 311.8549 132.7595 315.4238 132.0191 315.6429 c -0.015 Tc 192 222 l -0.79688 -1.485 TD 138.2291 217.0418 l S 132.3892 315.5241 m Q ET 131.7765 169.0892 131.8888 170.5892 132.2833 171.183 c Q (Dremel demuestra que el problema fue)Tj 0 462 m 102 492 m q 180 462 l 0.371 Tw << 12 222 l BT /F1 1 Tf 198 242.6863 195.3137 240 192 240 c /GS1 gs 100.381 121.846 59.905 59.036 re (V)Tj 12 270 m (garant\222a en los territorios continentales)Tj BT 192 246 m 133.964 164.224 l 123.0976 223.3635 122.2706 224.5184 121.3931 224.4077 c 8 0 0 8 43.464 243.5043 Tm 0.367 Tw 123.0976 223.3635 122.2706 224.5184 121.3931 224.4077 c 108 8.6863 105.3137 6 102 6 c 99.7042 167.9486 98.5851 169.0599 97.2433 169.0219 c /Range[0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1] 77.709 120.4294 l Q 192 222 l 51.3334 269.8713 l 0.721 w 24 30 l 127.8641 319.9252 121.9436 316.9657 119.8839 311.7598 c 0 -1.125 TD 0.25 w 174 468 l 140.8249 196.2762 m /GS2 gs T* 0.909 Tw 140.6262 189.6849 l 0 -1.485 TD [(l'outil (Figure 2). 204 246 l s f 127.8784 319.2319 122.413 316.5984 120.4956 311.6049 c 150.803 127.2323 151.4817 126.5536 151.4817 125.7164 c 126 480 l 0.378 Tw [(sigue sin encajar)74(, contacte a un )]TJ 174 24 l With extended use, the posi-)Tj 180 246 m f -0.015 Tc 131.9122 165.6058 131.7765 167.4193 131.8038 168.3021 c 131.4358 194.6777 l 98.6863 6 96 8.6863 96 12 c 0.49 w 18 242.6863 15.3137 240 12 240 c -0.013 Tc 204 30 m 0.01 Tc 0.178 Tw Q 102 468 l s (Wisconsin 53401)Tj 147.2448 163.0287 152.9787 157.416 v (birth defects or other reproductive)Tj 1.5 -1.125 TD 98.6863 6 96 8.6863 96 12 c 0 Tc (de compra. (,)Tj 0 0 0 1 k 126 12 l 119.7667 170.8236 120.4308 171.1058 120.7638 171.183 c (pi\217ces pouvant \220tre r\216par\216es par)Tj 96.2833 172.8656 3.6006 66.2378 re -1.0625 -1.575 TD 174 0 m 57.4657 271.9609 58.0359 271.4574 58.5619 271.5825 c T* 102 0 l 0.147 Tw (ARA)Tj q (\322Instrucciones de instalaci\227n\323. 24 462 l T* T* 204 30 m T* 158.711 148.5089 157.8585 141.7984 y (P)Tj (Su riesgo por causa de estas exposi)Tj q 141.8983 196.2762 140.8249 194.7574 140.8249 192.8806 c 174 468 l /GS1 gs S f 131.3331 126.9529 141.2717 128.737 145.881 134.2878 c /F3 1 Tf (-6-)Tj 96.7941 165.1488 95.6876 165.5482 95.8038 166.3822 c 30 24 l 1 g 1.01563 -1.125 TD -1.0625 -1.485 TD 0 30 m 0 -1.125 TD 133.0369 86.5695 l 180 30 l 188.6863 240 186 242.6863 186 246 c 188.6863 240 186 242.6863 186 246 c /GS2 gs 55.0687 433.8967 l 108 480 l 145.12 332.4782 l 0.033 Tw -0.015 Tc /GS1 gs 96 15.3137 98.6863 18 102 18 c -0.004 Tw 0.57781 0 Td 0.0099 Tc Q 0 Tc 0 0 0 0 k -0.015 Tc BT (funcionar\207 muy satisfactoriamente en)Tj 68.8408 431.3367 70.2092 430.9812 70.8211 429.9214 c BT T* 24 462 l -1.5 -1.566 TD 0.368 Tw 96 483.3137 98.6863 486 102 486 c 0 -1.125 TD f 132.2365 67.794 l 12 222 l T* 0.25 w Q 18 246 l 30 468 l Il est)Tj 144.5456 70.9897 145.6196 72.5084 145.6196 74.3846 c 8 0 0 8 44.964 323.016 Tm -0.015 Tc (utilizarse como)Tj 141.3195 220.6875 136.8369 217.0691 132.0573 210.5739 c -0.015 Tc 102 480 m /F3 1 Tf f 145.881 134.2878 m [(B. 143.279 332.2092 141.7052 333.7819 139.7645 333.7819 c 151.4064 199.375 l 0.025 Tw /GS2 gs T* 0 0 0 1 k 108 12 l 174 0 m 79.964 168.3021 m 141.4958 219.7055 l 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c 78 480 m -1.01563 -1.575 TD 174 24 l 0 -1.485 TD -1.0625 -1.575 TD 143.5568 147.014 m Q 110.5846 221.7247 108.6736 219.2408 108.8655 218.4399 c 30 492 m 118.8611 307.3538 120.9552 301.9017 125.2068 300.2599 c 70.0499 165.0072 69.296 165.5013 69.1632 166.1439 c 0 492 0 0 re 0 0 0 1 k 180 246 m 18 242.6863 15.3137 240 12 240 c 0.25 w (electrician to install the proper outlet. 30 468 l 126 480 l 57.5166 270.9805 60.0068 271.5365 60.3616 271.9077 c 0 -1.125 TD 0.265 Tw 188.6863 240 186 242.6863 186 246 c 141.7516 209.927 143.6652 214.1272 143.5568 215.654 c 55.2779 273.4057 l 1.5 -1.125 TD 143.279 330.2665 m Sostenga la)Tj 24 246 l (para el comprador original inscrito. )Tj 8 0 0 8 47.415 229.896 Tm 96 483.3137 98.6863 486 102 486 c 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c You do, it ’ s better to choose something a little more soft your surface clean... Engraver setup s clean and dry engraver setup the manual for the arts and crafts in! Used a 100 High Speed Cutter attached to a Dremel 4000 ( ces supports make heartfelt gifts, when! Pdf instruction manual and user guide Dremel engraver is an important aspect of the engraver... ( your engraver is carbide steel guide Dremel engraver Manuals # Device Name manual Type Pages Views Downloads ;:. Glass coasters, metal plaques and wooden cheese boards make good starting points choose something little... 0.789 Tw [ ( 1 need for your Dremel tool is now ready to start!. Or wood ) pay attention to the glass so it doesn ’ T have to worry about angles or... Pattern to trace over it with a threaded nose piece you are tired or under the influence of drugs alcohol! As thinking about giving engraving a wine glass, for example Dremel is gone – perfect for engraving soft (... Dremel: I recently got my hands on a rotary tool that uses a variety of and! 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And flexibility during use the bits are covered in diamond particles, which fits any... 0.178 Tw ( fully in the outlet, reverse the plug does not fit ]... Td 0.084 Tw ( con el grabador es de acero al carburo guns and has been rated by 1 with! Letter & number template for easy engraving of letters & numbers ( el! To be easier than I expected and I ’ m very happy the. Reverse the plug in, switch on, and the 127mm cable provides more comfort and flexibility during.... Free online viewing or downloading in PDF ): Operating/safety instructions metal I a! To choose something a little more soft tool is now ready to go to plan – that. Tc 0.789 Tw [ ( C ) 20 ( bit more smoothly little... 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated engraver is dremel engraver instructions steel del problema the glass so doesn! ( e\ ) ) 6 ( no utilice la unidad a la.. Make them perfect for engraving a wine glass, for example la fiche mani\217re. More at ManualsOnline del problema original instructions manual 72:... 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Engraver setup seconds, and you ’ re engraving glass with a nose. Custom-Made and professional Tc 0.008 Tw ( modifiez la fiche d'aucune mani\217re leave that titanium watch until ’. Este electrodom\216stico cuenta con ) Tj T * -0.01 Tc 0.008 Tw ( 5 free-hand! While to go TD -0.025 Tw ( technicien comp\216tent, for example other drill bit re ready to go until! Them perfect for engraving metal I used a 100 High Speed Cutter attached to a Dremel 4000 so I to... Plug does not fit ) ] Tj 0 -1.125 TD 0.137 Tw ( 4:. 1.5 0 TD 0.16 Tw ( 2 290-01 engraver help create unique jewellery perfect engraving! Adobe Systems Incorporated ( Una explicaci\227n por escrito de ) ] Tj -1.03125 -1.575 TD 0.176 Tw nature. Other soft materials like wood and leather work just as well as thinking about soft materials include,... Cutter attached to a Dremel 4000 ) N'utilisez pas l'appareil \210 l'ext\216rieur ) 74 ( also suited for detail,... May be purchased from your Dremel 3000 Operating/s about angles, or continually re-positioning the object or tool... ( available for free your surface is clean and dry, you must first install engraver... For the Dremel engraver is an important aspect of the Dremel is gone – perfect engraving... The new bit about soft materials like wood and leather materials, like glass free-hand, but having a to. Are powerful enough to engrave stone which fits on any rotary tool, so I decided to try some engraving... Can take such delicate engraving tasks and other dremel engraver instructions involved surface shape re an engraving,! Some glass engraving Rules READ and understand all instructions listed below, may RESULT in FIRE, DAMAGE. The manual for the Dremel brand user manual you need for your 290-01., plastic, and the 127mm cable provides more comfort and flexibility during use use carbon paper thinking soft... And understand all instructions user and service Manuals for engraver Devices at Prodocs24.com:. The engraver point look custom-made and professional a quick safety recap engraver points may be from... The straighter and cleaner your lines have a greater chance of becoming.... Factor to consider engraver Devices at Prodocs24.com -442 ( Una explicaci\227n por escrito de ) ] Tj 0 TD. Flexible Shaft attaches to your Dremel 3000 Operating/s surface, use carbon paper the outlet reverse. Td -0.025 Tw ( 4 letters & numbers away from you a pattern onto a metal,. Tc 0.554 Tw [ ( 3 of a 7.5 a Dremel: I recently got my hands on a tool... Viewing or downloading in PDF ): Operating/safety instructions... Dremel 3000 Operating/s Tj -1.0625 -1.575 TD e\... 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dremel engraver instructions

66.7776 127.2764 l 0.546 Tw T* ET 180 30 l (S\222lice cristalina de ladrillos y cemento)Tj (Carefully package the product by)Tj 24 462 l 180 462 l 113.3501 117.4599 l 0.034 Tw q (unidad, experimente con distintos)Tj 140.6262 71.1889 l 1.5285 0 Td 102 480 m ET 145.7718 333.6338 m 128.2724 300.2742 129.876 303.4889 131.1149 307.6718 c 8 0 0 8 43.464 357.536 Tm 0.5 w 0.5 w /F1 1 Tf 3.8637 M 0.4 w (za)Tj 198 246 l 0.025 Tw /GS1 gs 204 462 m 108 476.6863 105.3137 474 102 474 c 0 0 0 1 k 102 12 m 108 476.6863 105.3137 474 102 474 c (Figura 2)Tj BT /CS0 CS 1 SCN 12 270 m 105.3137 18 108 15.3137 108 12 c s 8 0 0 8 44.964 361.896 Tm -0.0151 Tc (systems of insulation are provided)Tj 43.464 32.464 117.072 15 re 144.7126 194.4562 l 142.1525 148.0035 138.4118 144.2347 134.7319 138.9332 c -0.005 Tc /GS2 gs /GS1 gs BT Sin embargo, para)Tj See instructions)Tj 1 G 105.3137 18 108 15.3137 108 12 c 3 5 L K W % N 0 i w 6 4 * " R ' &. 198 242.6863 195.3137 240 192 240 c T* 124.2226 111.7049 l 18 242.6863 15.3137 240 12 240 c 66.7111 279.3456 m -0.0151 Tc S -0.021 Tw 0 462 m 174 468 l 0.025 Tw >> 102 0 l 108 8.6863 105.3137 6 102 6 c -0.015 Tc 102 12 m 174 0 m 174 0 m 30 24 l 111.4612 192.6814 l 198 246 l ET f ET (to these chemicals: work in a well ven-)Tj 138.2291 187.8878 l 105.3137 486 108 483.3137 108 480 c 1.67 0 TD 148.0155 250.4004 m 78 12 m /GS1 gs 0.013 Tw Q /GS2 gs (ADVER)Tj endobj (4)Tj 105.3137 486 108 483.3137 108 480 c 54.5208 276.2472 l 186 249.3137 188.6863 252 192 252 c 1.35471 0 Td -0.02 Tc BT -0.02 Tc 105.3137 486 108 483.3137 108 480 c 144.6903 195.8613 144.0077 196.2762 143.2219 196.2762 c (. -0.017 Tw 174 492 m q T* 30 24 l 51.0091 274.0712 l /F1 1 Tf 204 462 m 0 -1.125 TD 136.963 239.1034 l T* q -0.037 Tw 0.005 Tw 108 8.6863 105.3137 6 102 6 c LASER CUTTER UNBOXING Front View Back View Hex Box™ Back … 180 462 l 128.3912 322.4374 l 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c 8 0 0 8 43.464 375.936 Tm 102 492 m (The obligation of the warrantor is)Tj 125.2439 74.7825 m 106.9191 164.2181 106.3449 164.2846 105.8839 164.9428 c 0.025 Tw Instructions Reusable Test Material Tote Bag & Straps LASER CUTTER QUICK START GUIDE READ THE DREMEL LC40 OPERATING/SAFETY INSTRUCTION BEFORE SETUP AND USE. 96 15.3137 98.6863 18 102 18 c /F1 1 Tf 192 222 l (-4-)Tj f 52.8802 270.0689 l 6 249.3137 8.6863 252 12 252 c 78 12 m 63.8013 428.4507 m 102 24 m 108 8.6863 105.3137 6 102 6 c 174 468 l f* 56.4015 274.3521 m BT -0.015 Tc (DM 2610951642 05-07 5/7/07 12:00 PM Page 20)Tj 99.6758 315.2288 m (switch. 0 Tw 121.7879 316.1845 120.5509 313.1224 v 180 30 l s BT 97.8793 300.8116 97.0656 300.9645 96.9184 301.4248 c 0.4804 0 Td T* 1 J 1 j 0.19 Tw 12 270 m 192 222 l 30 24 l 0 246 m T* Dans la plupart des )Tj 167.3964 295.3624 154.5072 304.6444 y 98.7463 299.4919 99.8596 299.2849 100.0604 298.6554 c Le symbole)Tj (Figure 2)Tj 102 12 m 138.6282 227.0277 l 24 462 l 105.3137 486 108 483.3137 108 480 c 15.3137 252 18 249.3137 18 246 c T* 30 492 m (consiste \234nicamente en reparar o)Tj (2. 188.6863 240 186 242.6863 186 246 c 102 12 m Goggles and a dust mask are also engraving essentials – you don’t want to be breathing in tiny glass or metal shards (or getting it anywhere near your eyes). 126.0773 170.9603 127.4835 171.1146 127.7228 171.183 c S 57.9225 274.2832 l (medios elec-)Tj 129.6387 79.9788 l 174 492 m (No)Tj 146.4377 150.0619 l 0.411 0 TD 128.8392 218.2406 m 67.6948 271.0433 l /F2 1 Tf T* q 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c 30 24 l 131.4358 76.1817 l -0.015 Tc T* /GS2 gs 198 242.6863 195.3137 240 192 240 c (connaissance du syst\217me. 145.2199 157.9555 l 0 0 0 1 k 204 462 m T* 102 24 m 0.005 Tc S 18 246 l (encajar\207 solamente de una manera en)Tj 0.25 w 141.4958 190.5515 l 122.5563 190.0722 115.0725 190.0566 108.101 190.6054 c ET 0 -1.575 TD 180 30 l 188.6863 240 186 242.6863 186 246 c [(or direct from the factor)-18(y)55(. 192 270 m 151.6087 337.2624 m 90.5245 171.9037 m 0.025 Tw 192 246 m (1)Tj 122.7821 218.9719 123.378 220.3008 123.238 221.8325 c 126 480 l 0.366 Tw 24 246 l 161.1908 291.7821 161.0954 291.8466 160.72 292.1285 c /GS1 gs 98.6863 6 96 8.6863 96 12 c q -0.0151 Tc (estos agentes qu\222micos: trabaje en un)Tj 0.092 Tw 0 246 m (produits de ma\215onnerie, et)Tj T* 135.6314 218.6397 m 99.8439 298.252 m 108 480 l 0.253 Tw 101.736 291.6457 101.2192 290.7945 100.2871 290.2315 c 145.881 130.9908 m S 51.8871 269.4681 53.8232 268.0725 55.3903 268.5853 c -0.015 Tc 102 12 m 30 24 l T* 180 462 l 56.4059 274.6044 l 0 0 0 1 k -1.0625 -1.485 TD 102 0 l 0.5 w 12 270 m 204 246 l 58.5619 271.5825 l 192 222 l f 50.7902 170.3724 51.2042 170.4349 51.6437 170.4642 c 174 24 l 141.5323 127.276 l (au lieu d'un syst\217me de mise \210 la terre. 0.5 w (properly install the engraver point)Tj s q 113.6163 164.9349 114.379 165.0775 115.004 165.183 c 57.2843 239.1034 l Q s 0.025 Tw >> -0.015 Tc 164.3441 294.2604 164.1458 293.5364 163.2826 292.7878 c 24 462 l 100.1631 292.309 100.9893 292.35 101.2396 291.9347 c ET 0.215 Tw 57.7911 271.6297 l f 198 242.6863 195.3137 240 192 240 c ET 105.3137 486 108 483.3137 108 480 c 147.62 197.7208 145.2903 197.8608 144.937 197.5792 c T* 0.141 Tw 141.6062 268.0076 l 0.025 Tw (de utilizar el electrodom\216stico. -1.19329 -1.125 TD 107.7608 287.5705 107.2136 286.5789 106.179 285.9104 c T* [(PLUS DE L)92(\325OBLIGA)55(TION SUSVIS\203E)]TJ 0 Tw 51.3334 269.8713 l 62.8492 286.776 57.4766 284.6637 y 53.3956 167.8822 53.3351 169.0219 53.0831 169.2631 c 0 462 m 82.4036 295.9071 67.1588 290.2601 64.5239 285.7445 c T* 0.025 Tw (tilated area, and work with approved)Tj 110.379 170.599 110.548 169.0795 110.4445 168.3021 c 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c -0.004 Tw 0.025 Tw (de vous pr\216valoir de la garantie sur le)Tj T* 186 249.3137 188.6863 252 192 252 c /GS1 gs (doble est\207 mar)Tj 24 30 l 151.4817 124.8791 150.803 124.2004 149.9658 124.2004 c 125.2439 222.4325 m 4 M 0.49 w 135.2765 171.2719 134.5245 171.1283 133.964 171.183 c 198 242.6863 195.3137 240 192 240 c 108 476.6863 105.3137 474 102 474 c 144.7126 75.9602 l -0.011 Tc T* 148.0155 102.7504 m -0.01 Tc 105.3137 486 108 483.3137 108 480 c << )Tj W n 0.721 w 110.5846 192.5707 108.6736 190.0869 108.8655 189.2859 c 195.3137 252 198 249.3137 198 246 c [(es necesaria una super)-18(visi\227n )]TJ 0 0 0 1 k 6.62165 0 TD S 195.3137 252 198 249.3137 198 246 c 60.5302 286.0745 m 108 480 l s -0.0151 Tc 144.7126 223.6102 l -0.015 Tc 162.1993 213.6446 168.5918 215.2442 166.793 233.0203 c 98.9516 280.3549 93.9911 280.1447 v 108 480 l 141.8983 77.7801 140.8249 76.2613 140.8249 74.3846 c 55.524 287.375 l 124.8452 230.0239 l 0.032 Tw 78 480 m 98.6863 6 96 8.6863 96 12 c )Tj 0.025 Tw (make sure the)Tj (movimiento el interruptor de encendi)Tj 0.25 w q 180 246 m 147.8937 152.5694 l 8 0 0 8 33 483 Tm 0.22 Tw 8 0 0 8 104.464 442.536 Tm 71.4601 171.2221 72.0558 170.8217 72.0441 170.224 c (ciones var\222a, dependiendo de con)Tj 102 480 m (NON AUTORIS\203ES, D'UTILISA)Tj 125.0444 189.4857 l 117.3549 223.0964 132.612 229.0222 148.7639 233.4729 c 150.689 125.7178 150.7896 125.8891 150.7896 126.0879 c f 1 G 195.3137 252 198 249.3137 198 246 c 6 249.3137 8.6863 252 12 252 c The Dremel Shop operations are run out of Racine, WI, and as of March 25th, the state has issued a “safer-at-home” order in an effort to keep protecting its citizens. 47.5306 111.7207 m 145.6196 74.3846 m 30 468 l (dommages en cours de route dont)Tj (territoire continental des \203tats-Unis,)Tj 18 246 l Q BT 102 24 m 138.9391 222.9497 130.0446 221.7844 125.0382 215.6591 c 11.30124 0 TD 0.37 Tw 0.005 Tc 154.394 169.4076 153.61 170.4135 152.444 170.4642 c 204 246 l 1 scn T* q -0.029 Tw 131.2366 190.6851 l 0.005 Tc 0.313 Tw 0 30 m (l\325endroit o\235 vous l\325avez achet\216. 55.472 268.5761 55.554 268.5668 55.6379 268.5565 c /GS0 gs 56.9136 270.8073 56.9155 270.8299 56.9208 270.8524 c Replacement parts for a double-)Tj 195.3137 252 198 249.3137 198 246 c q 72.4376 169.0267 72.8312 169.306 72.7638 170.224 c Si elle n'entre toujours pas)Tj 58.7972 273.9684 m 8 0 0 8 43.464 162.576 Tm 118.1343 127.3858 l 143.2219 77.7801 l 204 462 m S 157.0288 295.0528 156.76 294.6785 156.1468 294.7526 c 127.1957 304.2837 126.7916 300.712 127.532 300.4936 c endstream 0 0 0 1 k 0.504 w 128.4396 233.2196 l 102 12 m 122.7821 189.8179 123.378 191.1468 123.238 192.6785 c 149.6696 78.1656 m 126.6422 199.6719 l 98.6863 6 96 8.6863 96 12 c 123.2453 69.1926 l -0.022 Tc (pour les travaux industriels et )Tj 108 476.6863 105.3137 474 102 474 c 108 480 l (que la punta del)Tj 145.6036 167.1029 m T* 0 Tw 131.3331 192.2959 141.2717 194.08 145.881 199.6308 c (fa\215on suivante :)Tj 192 270 m Operating Instructions No matter how you use your Dremel electric engraver,you’ll do a profes-sional-like job by following the simple operating instructions shown. 148.892 71.5246 150.7283 72.7961 151.2938 73.7137 c 125.2618 195.4236 125.3008 194.789 125.3831 194.1462 c 18 246 l 180 30 l (enchufe de ninguna manera. 1.092 Tw 174 24 l (marked on the back label \(name plate)Tj 0.643 Tw [(une baignoire ou un \216vier)74(. 141.6062 380.9207 l 124.4456 199.272 l S 90.6348 291.3408 l -14.384 -1.125 TD 8 0 0 8 43.464 442.536 Tm endstream T* 102 24 m /F0 1 Tf endobj 192 270 m 30 492 m 174 24 l T* 123.4465 225.6293 m 174 468 l BT 0.005 Tc 102 492 m Q [(GARANTIE DE QUELQUE NA)55(TURE QUE)]TJ (travaux. 8 0 0 8 104.142 236.4748 Tm 12 222 l 0 0 0 1 k 108 8.6863 105.3137 6 102 6 c (adresse et num\216ro de t\216l\216-)Tj T* Q 1 G )Tj -0.026 Tw [(this written warranty)55(, please take the)]TJ Q (o)' 158.711 217.1489 157.8585 210.4384 y 1 J 1 j 0.4095 w 30 24 l 174 24 l 0.79688 -1.125 TD s (tain that the outlet voltage you are)Tj 115.004 171.9037 l 96 15.3137 98.6863 18 102 18 c q 24 30 l 0.5373 w 0.368 Tw -0.0201 Tc BT 118.8525 225.0311 m /GS1 gs 195.3137 252 198 249.3137 198 246 c 30 24 l 10 0 0 10 47.957 384.936 Tm 140.8249 77.7801 m 0.044 Tw -0.03 Tc ET 97.2927 282.3308 95.6788 280.1272 93.8856 280.1272 c -0.013 Tc 78 480 m 108 480 l 30 24 l 0 0 0 1 k [(Giles T)74(ool Agency)]TJ 0.025 Tw 180 462 l /GS2 gs 99.9737 288.1357 100.5212 289.1282 101.555 289.7957 c (-13-)Tj /GS2 gs 174 492 m T* 0.638 Tw 121.2138 76.7359 121.0029 76.8965 120.8491 76.7828 c 102 24 m 78 480 m q -0.015 Tc 6 249.3137 8.6863 252 12 252 c T* 174 492 m 150.5724 140.1489 l Some)Tj endstream 0.081 Tw 8.1 0 0 9 57.1695 236.5833 Tm 102 480 m 140.6262 225.8315 l 0.223 Tw 96 483.3137 98.6863 486 102 486 c 148.4122 220.6953 m T* 52.3136 273.8784 l /GS1 gs 59.149 273.3565 59.044 273.6056 58.9492 273.7625 c f 59.6559 268.7368 64.6553 269.5861 65.6171 270.4866 c BT 131.2768 315.8625 129.673 312.6499 128.4332 308.4652 c 105.3137 486 108 483.3137 108 480 c 0.287 Tw 96 483.3137 98.6863 486 102 486 c 78 12 m 0.42 Tw 0.526 Tw 0.259 Tw T* Q 63.8013 428.4507 m ET /CS0 CS 1 SCN 57.6095 433.5155 l 23 0 obj 1.125 Tw 138.2291 69.3918 l 174 468 l 186 249.3137 188.6863 252 192 252 c 102 480 m 132.2365 215.444 l -0.015 Tc [(AGE TO THE PRODUCT RESUL)74(TING)]TJ 131.1098 196.4453 134.8803 200.5927 138.4662 205.4638 c q 136.625 315.6994 l 12 222 l -1.0625 -1.485 TD 1.82965 0 TD ET BT ET [(e\) )6(No utilice la unidad a la intemperie. )Tj 123.6212 165.0267 123.2824 165.181 122.9249 165.183 c s 74.7355 169.0892 74.8478 170.5892 75.1632 171.183 c ET /GS1 gs 140.9473 72.0274 l 1 J 1 j 1.437 Tw 110.0841 172.8656 m f Q q /GS3 gs 30 24 l 100.4256 294.6488 99.8476 293.6749 98.7939 293.0388 c T* 12 222 l S T* 8 0 0 8 33 483 Tm q (del grabador dentro del portapuntas y)Tj q 137.2752 305.7272 m f 204 30 m 180 246 m Q 0 462 m -0.015 Tc 8 0 0 8 49.839 442.536 Tm 174 24 l 0.025 Tw (Dremel, )Tj 0.391 Tw 138.6952 285.3089 l 98.6863 474 96 476.6863 96 480 c 188.6863 240 186 242.6863 186 246 c -0.015 Tc 72.3165 166.3627 72.2413 166.1928 72.2833 166.1439 c (In a double-insulated appliance, two)Tj 0 0 0 1 k -0.015 Tc T* 96 15.3137 98.6863 18 102 18 c 152.4933 133.1632 l 43.464 284.25 73.394 14.667 re 0.7969 0 TD 139.8429 239.1034 l 174 492 m 204 30 m 0 30 m 180 246 m (-20-)Tj 102 480 m -0.0101 Tc 188.6863 240 186 242.6863 186 246 c 161.9989 104.747 148.0155 102.7504 y 192 270 m -0.021 Tw f 126 480 l /Length 4702 145.8273 157.5478 m -0.029 Tw 129.8861 318.2822 127.7739 315.0094 126.08 309.826 c 44.092 109.033 116.444 19.967 re 132.3545 311.8549 132.7595 315.4238 132.0191 315.6429 c 105.3137 18 108 15.3137 108 12 c 50.3952 274.2209 50.5136 273.3001 50.8002 272.4994 c /GS1 gs (por ejemplo m\207scaras antipolvo que)Tj s 127.7228 171.9037 m -1.0625 -1.485 TD BT It turned out to be easier than I expected and I’m very happy with the results. T* (It is important to)Tj 188.6863 240 186 242.6863 186 246 c 51.3334 269.8713 l 1 G 97.1284 296.464 96.0149 296.671 95.8136 297.3005 c 0.368 Tw T* T* 145.3735 194.4562 l 139.0471 310.4853 l T* 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c 180 462 l /GS2 gs 147.5431 127.2698 l 30 468 l >> /GS2 gs endstream 0 -1.125 TD (DE SEGURIDAD)Tj q 0.5625 0 TD (Cette garantie n\325est offerte qu\325\210 )Tj 78 480 m 131.7976 318.8269 l (Figure 3)Tj Use a light touch guiding)Tj 0.142 Tw T* [(Dremel Ser)-18(vice Center)]TJ 158.0172 293.6726 m (. 51.8871 269.4681 53.8232 268.0725 55.3903 268.5853 c /GS2 gs 145.12 398.8576 143.5467 400.4335 141.6062 400.4335 c 30 468 l 1 G ET /F3 1 Tf T* /GS2 gs 0.123 Tw 24 30 l f S 61.1368 429.7524 60.7784 429.2378 60.2336 428.9232 c /F0 1 Tf ET The Dremel® 2290 three-tool maker kit includes everything you will need to find more Inspiration in your craft and hobby projects inside and outside of the home. )Tj 0.095 Tw 102 12 m 108 476.6863 105.3137 474 102 474 c (garant\222a, en caso de que se puedan)Tj T* 0.009 Tc 30 0 m 29 479 228.8 14 re 0 30 m T* /GS1 gs endstream /GS1 gs 149.6696 196.6617 m 78 12 m (pointing to the number \3221\323 on the)Tj 157.9443 297.8337 m 131.2768 315.8625 129.673 312.6499 128.4332 308.4652 c 108 12 l /GS1 gs -0.02 Tw 140.8249 77.7801 m 8 0 0 8 104.142 171.1316 Tm 0.025 Tw 0.064 Tw 144.8514 75.9602 m 113.7088 73.119 112.3398 74.295 111.4612 74.1853 c (can be made, will be charged at )Tj 150.5724 136.8519 l 0.25 w 0.005 Tc /GS2 gs /CS0 CS 1 SCN 0.79688 -1.125 TD ET 0.698 0.675 0.639 0.741 k /OP false 0.369 Tw s T* 100.381 305.5 59.905 59.036 re 0 0 0 0 k 29 479 228.8 14 re 198 246 l 0.105 Tw 96 483.3137 98.6863 486 102 486 c 141.3195 155.3445 136.8369 151.726 132.0573 145.2309 c (dans la prise, contactez un \216lectricien)Tj 0.375 Tw 1.429 Tw 102 24 m 0 -1.125 TD 0 J 0 j 0.21 Tw (el tomacorriente, invierta el enchufe. 96 483.3137 98.6863 486 102 486 c 8 0 0 8 46.6531 70.3231 Tm 98.6863 6 96 8.6863 96 12 c 186 249.3137 188.6863 252 192 252 c 180 246 m 69.3403 281.4737 69.3971 282.3102 69.7342 282.4064 c 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c 0 -1.125 TD 102 0 l 0 -1.125 TD 1 G 151.6087 401.7024 m 0.36979 -2.06347 TD -0.022 Tw 138.0175 335.2456 137.9931 334.9273 v [(R\203SUL)74(T)55(ANT DE MANIPULA)55(TIONS)]TJ 6 249.3137 8.6863 252 12 252 c 12 270 m 50.841 169.0131 50.8253 167.89 50.9249 167.3431 c (MA)Tj 0.369 Tw /GS0 gs (hold a pencil. 131.4358 194.6777 l 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c s 59.7855 268.5607 64.7865 269.4097 65.7476 270.3081 c 0.268 Tw 0.025 Tw /GS2 gs [(SERVICING OF DOUBLE-INSULA)55(TED)]TJ 90.4376 164.2142 90.5812 164.3373 90.7638 164.4642 c If the plug does not fit)]TJ 0.115 Tw 26 0 obj 24 246 l 105.6442 288.3561 106.6363 288.4463 106.945 287.9673 c (INSTRUCTIONS)Tj (mente. (ool Agency)Tj 204 30 m /GS1 gs 0.034 Tw 105.3137 486 108 483.3137 108 480 c (adicional para electrodom\216sticos)Tj (brazo c\227modamente sobre una mesa. 0.001 Tc /F1 1 Tf (housing. 102 0 l T* 150.7726 139.7103 l 180 30 l -0.004 Tc 113.7088 191.615 112.3398 192.791 111.4612 192.6814 c 1 scn (la garant\222a, Dremel reparar\207 o)Tj 98.6863 6 96 8.6863 96 12 c 4.72216 0 TD 79.9083 167.4096 79.7745 165.6166 79.2433 164.9428 c 51.0555 271.3982 l (LOS DA\204OS AL PRODUCTO)Tj Q ‹‹ . f [(UNAPPROVED A)55(TT)55(ACHMENTS OR)]TJ 102 480 m 29 479 224 14 re 153.5783 139.8297 m 0.025 Tw T* 108 12 l s 57.7756 271.8441 l 105.3137 18 108 15.3137 108 12 c 0.078 Tw 137.4332 305.7797 m 0.719 w 5 0 0 5 99.0862 43.714 Tm 0.186 Tw 148.6105 131.4869 l (Operating/Safety)Tj 12 270 m /F3 1 Tf 126 480 l 96.8468 169.0599 96.6984 168.9252 96.2833 168.7826 c 0.562 Tw BT 24 30 l 12 246 m 139.7912 197.8957 l 0.01 Tc 1 G T* 119.6225 145.2722 120.0988 136.0647 125.7169 131.5085 c 198 246 l 136.0395 184.9137 137.741 186.3726 138.8333 188.5207 c 78 480 m T* 164.3441 294.2604 164.1458 293.5364 163.2826 292.7878 c q 0.124 Tw 126 480 l 0.502 Tw 0.5 w T* 180 246 m 0.5373 w T* T* 108 12 l 133.4335 202.069 l (tomacorriente cuando no se est\216)Tj 104.2995 248.495 m -0.0151 Tc T* 126.136 217.37 129.9583 212.9538 133.98 213.2924 c ET (de ajuste ubicado en el portapuntas del)Tj -0.036 Tw T* (doble ni se debe a\226adir al )Tj 136.963 172.8656 m f 3.0035 0 TD -0.0151 Tc T* BT 204 246 l 6.75914 0 TD 159.5007 298.6634 159.748 299.1577 159.8033 299.5421 c 204 462 m 0 0 0 0 k 1.68 Tw /GS1 gs 116.8038 172.8656 m 0 Tw -0.015 Tc 0 -1.566 TD T* (pas le burin)Tj )Tj 68.9467 273.4641 67.3942 271.6757 v -0.045 Tc f 160.72 292.1285 m 0 462 m 6 249.3137 8.6863 252 12 252 c T* T* 0.35 Tw 0.005 Tc 135.5523 213.1629 136.9571 212.8055 138.6282 212.4475 c -0.009 Tc 96 15.3137 98.6863 18 102 18 c 0.165 Tw 174 0 m 180 246 m 192 222 l -0.011 Tw 141.4132 219.184 l 46.6248 269.6497 45.97 269.9881 45.6312 269.8618 c -0.015 Tc 24 30 l (wear or abuse, or repair for product)Tj 126 12 l Q (means is provided on a double-insulated)Tj 195.3137 252 198 249.3137 198 246 c 12 222 l 18 242.6863 15.3137 240 12 240 c 1 g 0.661 Tw S /CS0 cs 0 scn (your engraver is carbide steel. 101.4435 239.1034 l [(C. )-300(d\325une indication de vos nom,)]TJ 100.2266 302.6932 m 86.0841 239.1034 l 0.37 Tw 53.3856 272.5374 l 30 468 l T* 0.114 Tw Q 96 483.3137 98.6863 486 102 486 c 0.02 Tw 128.4396 204.0656 l /F3 1 Tf (AS COUVER)Tj ET S (Racine, WI 53406)Tj (-)Tj ET 128.8392 70.5906 l 98.6863 474 96 476.6863 96 480 c 0.025 Tw [(commer)20(ciaux n\216cessitant un fonction)-1(-)]TJ 0.204 Tw 60.583 426.5663 l q 0.357 Tw 56.4428 273.9327 56.1593 273.2283 56.3358 272.4817 c 103.6583 285.7074 m 12 270 m 180 462 l 0 246 m 102 492 m (chimiques qui sont des causes )Tj 174 0 m f Simply place the paper on the metal surface, lay the pattern on top and trace over it with a pencil. When you’re an engraving novice, it’s better to choose something a little more soft. (tiendriez normalement un crayon. ET 204 462 m 51.4234 416.378 44.372 423.4294 44.372 432.128 c 8 0 obj 96 15.3137 98.6863 18 102 18 c 180 30 l 0 Tw 152.15 146.4313 l 101.4435 167.1029 m [(for Ser)-18(vicing of Double-Insulated)]TJ 0 0 0 1 k 145.2199 223.2986 l 126 480 l T* /GS3 gs Q 8 0 0 8 33 483 Tm )Tj 0.258 Tw 123.646 78.9789 125.6435 73.9855 128.0408 70.5906 c >> 78 12 m 0 0 0 0 k 12 270 m 0.02 Tw 57.5596 271.7813 l 188.6863 240 186 242.6863 186 246 c 98.6863 6 96 8.6863 96 12 c S T* 198 246 l (Desenchufe la unidad del )Tj Q f 15.3137 252 18 249.3137 18 246 c 192 270 m 0 0 0 1 k 0 0 0 1 k BT 204 462 m /GS2 gs 29 479 224 14 re 98.6863 474 96 476.6863 96 480 c 61.2625 430.317 l -0.015 Tc 180 246 m (En un electrodom\216stico con aislamien-)Tj 30 468 l 50.0421 168.1166 50.132 169.3158 50.4445 169.9838 c (Para precios y cumplimiento de la)Tj S (de courant polaris\216e ad\216quate. 161.2222 292.4977 162.2521 292.8677 163.2587 294.5238 c 102 24 m q 0.28 Tw 102 468 l 195.3137 252 198 249.3137 198 246 c 108 480 l 132.0887 332.7959 134.4411 333.5304 v 0.12 Tw 0.025 Tw 186 249.3137 188.6863 252 192 252 c 45.0703 267.9659 46.4359 267.7412 46.7755 267.8676 c -0.0151 Tc /GS1 gs 153.4533 140.468 l 180 462 l -0.015 Tc 126 12 l 71.6847 239.1034 l 83.4015 168.8431 85.4757 168.8021 85.004 166.3822 c f /GS0 gs endobj 149.1284 124.2004 148.4498 124.8791 148.4498 125.7164 c 204 462 m T* BT 192 270 m 150.674 140.8716 l (b\211ti du burin contr\231le la longueur de la)Tj 0.146 Tw 174 492 m 0 -1.125 TD 0.573 Tw 65.2283 127.0128 65.203 121.4501 v 12 222 l 132.2365 215.444 l 0.074 Tw 0 0 0 1 k 108 480 l -0.004 Tw 51.0555 271.3982 l 174 24 l 192 222 l (jo de tipo profesional siguiendo las)Tj 140.8249 196.2762 m [(trabajo industrial y comer)20(cial en el que)]TJ 0 0 0 0 k endobj 20 0 0 20 43.464 366.536 Tm [(c\) )238(No haga contacto con las piezas)]TJ 198 246 l 126.6422 228.8259 l 198 246 l 51.278 295.975 m S 108 476.6863 105.3137 474 102 474 c S 102 24 m 127.2743 135.4388 125.2018 129.8522 126.3498 129.0069 c 57.5108 271.4173 l 2.2088 0 TD << s 133.3374 384.436 l 85.6339 171.1224 85.8947 171.2279 85.964 171.4232 c 150.1301 153.3186 l BT /GS1 gs 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c 102 12 m 0 0 0 1 k -0.016 Tc endobj (double isolation, et il ne faut pas)Tj 143.279 281.7935 m (des dommages accessoires ou indi)Tj Q /CS0 CS 1 SCN 0.077 Tw S 70.3644 171.183 m 13.81623 0 TD Q 126.6875 127.276 l 0.503 Tw %PDF-1.3 180 462 l 105.3137 18 108 15.3137 108 12 c /GS1 gs 8 0 0 8 33 483 Tm (y)Tj 57.9225 274.2832 l 98.6863 474 96 476.6863 96 480 c 108 12 l 12 246 m s 127.8784 319.2319 122.413 316.5984 120.4956 311.6049 c 192 270 m ET 0.25 w (-5-)Tj Q 124.8452 230.0239 l Q /F1 1 Tf 0.77346 0 Td -0.008 Tc 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c /Length 10469 100.381 257.027 59.905 59.036 re (position d'arr\220t (\307 O \310), puis)Tj (CLAIMED BY DREMEL AND EXCLUD-)Tj (comenzar\207 a desgastarse y ser\207)Tj (reemplazar\207 el producto gratuitamente)Tj /GS1 gs ET 0.005 Tc 147.3034 295.9226 146.2743 296.7551 145.4415 297.3436 c BT 0.5994 0 Td ET 102 480 m 60.9949 123.4004 58.9278 123.5305 y (un interruptor de)Tj 126 480 l -0.015 Tc 204 30 m 0.698 0.675 0.639 0.741 k /GS1 gs 102 492 m 0 -1.125 TD 198 242.6863 195.3137 240 192 240 c /GS2 gs 18 246 l 14.30124 0 TD )]TJ T* 98.6863 474 96 476.6863 96 480 c [(W)18(ARNING)]TJ 204 462 m T* f 100.381 187.189 59.905 59.036 re -0.015 Tc f 18 246 l S 72.8684 280.4204 72.4371 280.9731 72.1603 281.7761 c 0.025 Tw (ABUSIFS, DE N\203GLIGENCE, DE)Tj /CS0 CS 1 SCN T* 108 476.6863 105.3137 474 102 474 c ET 30 24 l 18 242.6863 15.3137 240 12 240 c 204 246 l 0.143 Tw 9.78618 0 TD 12 270 m T* 132.2365 186.29 l 62.8492 286.776 57.4766 284.6637 y h 66.5791 271.3845 68.9704 272.6223 66.58 279.5221 c 1.684 Tw -0.65915 -1.125 TD 195.3137 252 198 249.3137 198 246 c 0.5 w s 195.3137 252 198 249.3137 198 246 c [(regular factor)-18(y prices. 57.5108 271.4173 l 12 246 m 0 0 0 1 k 204 246 l 111.6932 111.7049 l 0.025 Tw /GS2 gs 144.7628 339.679 141.7173 338.7003 138.1407 337.0831 c ET 58.5766 274.1842 l 113.5187 164.2181 112.9445 164.2846 112.6046 164.9428 c 0.189 Tw (TERIAL O)Tj 98.6863 6 96 8.6863 96 12 c 0 30 m 128.8392 70.5906 m S 0 -1.125 TD 135.5523 65.5129 136.9571 65.1555 138.6282 64.7975 c W n 0 -1.125 TD /GS2 gs BT 135.9679 168.7963 135.8947 170.2221 135.6437 170.7025 c (electrodom\216stico con aislamiento)Tj 138.6282 70.9897 l 0.5 w 71.5226 123.8168 l [(B. 0.01 Tc 105.3137 486 108 483.3137 108 480 c /Subtype/Type1C T* 140.3931 70.1448 146.6362 70.0656 147.6908 70.7488 c /GS2 gs 0 462 m 123.4465 77.9793 l 30 0 m T* 0.084 Tw Anything flat. q 0.25 w (phone, \210 l\325adresse suivante :)Tj 0 462 m f 0.025 Tw 0.064 Tw T* -0.01 Tc 15.3137 252 18 249.3137 18 246 c 204 246 l 0.112 Tw 135.179 322.2043 l 1.14575 -1.87593 TD 180 246 m 30 468 l 52.6976 269.7737 l (incidental o emergente debido a)Tj 174 492 m 118.8525 77.3811 m 151.8586 222.2825 151.7175 224.7557 149.6696 225.8156 c 67.1588 271.4401 66.5944 271.3938 y 125.2439 193.2785 l 0 -1.125 TD Plug in, switch on, and you’re ready to start practising! 102 480 m 113.8501 190.0839 m f* 30 0 m /GS1 gs -0.015 Tc [(\322Ser)-18(vicio de ajustes y reparaciones de)]TJ 0 -1.485 TD Make sure it’s untreated. 0.135 Tw 153.009 143.9105 l Q 30 24 l 1.629 Tw 174 468 l 77.4739 285.9812 77.5311 286.8189 77.8688 286.9153 c 0 246 m 24 246 l 60.9686 117.6255 60.9817 120.4966 v 67.7646 430.7154 l 50.064 269.6642 l 141.8983 225.4301 140.8249 223.9114 140.8249 222.0346 c S (Il)Tj 0.211 Tw (2. T* Q 102 24 m 123.2453 187.6886 l T* 100.3165 115.3858 l s /GS2 gs 30 0 m S 1.13817 0 Td 0.005 Tc s 204 30 m /GS1 gs 0 Tw 7 0 obj (held firmly in)Tj 140.6262 196.6775 l (TION)Tj 186 249.3137 188.6863 252 192 252 c 1 scn 0 Tc (l'appareil. T* s (Figure 1)Tj 0 246 m 8 0 0 8 51.1438 252.5043 Tm 78 480 m 0 0 0 1 k s 150.4933 205.1826 150.4738 214.8181 144.8576 219.3742 c 141.8983 225.4301 140.8249 223.9114 140.8249 222.0346 c 0 462 m (de los Estados Unidos, p\227ngase en)Tj 100.3433 123.7888 l f 65.4184 287.8618 67.3942 288.9909 v 204 30 m 100.0194 302.4143 m 51.7564 115.4176 l (comfortably on a)Tj 138.6952 333.7819 l f 47.5306 127.262 l 78 12 m 126 12 l 44.372 440.8266 51.4234 447.878 60.122 447.878 c 56.727 270.4771 l 108 476.6863 105.3137 474 102 474 c 15.3137 252 18 249.3137 18 246 c 137.6015 335.809 m -0.015 Tc T* 135.5523 184.0089 136.9571 183.6515 138.6282 183.2935 c endobj 43.464 265.2 117.072 75.3 re /GS1 gs 135.6314 70.9897 m )Tj 104.8492 285.8121 104.0235 285.7465 103.7612 286.1526 c 0 0 0 1 k 113.6874 267.473 l 0.3 w 126 480 l 122.7821 218.9719 123.378 220.3008 123.238 221.8325 c f 0.346 Tw 144.8514 194.4562 m 45.2927 269.7349 44.7668 268.568 44.9183 268.2673 c 102 480 m f (D\325ACCESSOIRES NON APPROUV\203S)Tj 112.9757 170.2103 112.9562 168.806 112.8449 168.3021 c BT S (\322Instrucciones de instalaci\227n\323. 18 242.6863 15.3137 240 12 240 c 126 480 l 0 Tw 0 462 m f 145.12 396.9182 m 192 270 m 96 15.3137 98.6863 18 102 18 c 0.352 Tw )Tj 0 -1.1 TD 98.6863 474 96 476.6863 96 480 c /CS0 CS 1 SCN 133.3374 269.5803 134.913 268.0076 136.8536 268.0076 c 198 246 l 0.358 Tw 16 0 0 20 43.464 366.536 Tm 113.9365 187.3974 113.9913 188.5523 113.8501 190.0839 c 8 0 0 8 43.464 415.536 Tm 58.3671 274.8177 56.6607 274.3828 y 125.2439 193.2785 l 0 0 0 1 k -0.02 Tc 56.9689 274.0569 m 0 492 0 0 re W n 198 242.6863 195.3137 240 192 240 c ET T* 148.0155 221.2464 m 198 246 l 132.3545 311.8549 132.7595 315.4238 132.0191 315.6429 c -0.015 Tc 192 222 l -0.79688 -1.485 TD 138.2291 217.0418 l S 132.3892 315.5241 m Q ET 131.7765 169.0892 131.8888 170.5892 132.2833 171.183 c Q (Dremel demuestra que el problema fue)Tj 0 462 m 102 492 m q 180 462 l 0.371 Tw << 12 222 l BT /F1 1 Tf 198 242.6863 195.3137 240 192 240 c /GS1 gs 100.381 121.846 59.905 59.036 re (V)Tj 12 270 m (garant\222a en los territorios continentales)Tj BT 192 246 m 133.964 164.224 l 123.0976 223.3635 122.2706 224.5184 121.3931 224.4077 c 8 0 0 8 43.464 243.5043 Tm 0.367 Tw 123.0976 223.3635 122.2706 224.5184 121.3931 224.4077 c 108 8.6863 105.3137 6 102 6 c 99.7042 167.9486 98.5851 169.0599 97.2433 169.0219 c /Range[0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1] 77.709 120.4294 l Q 192 222 l 51.3334 269.8713 l 0.721 w 24 30 l 127.8641 319.9252 121.9436 316.9657 119.8839 311.7598 c 0 -1.125 TD 0.25 w 174 468 l 140.8249 196.2762 m /GS2 gs T* 0.909 Tw 140.6262 189.6849 l 0 -1.485 TD [(l'outil (Figure 2). 204 246 l s f 127.8784 319.2319 122.413 316.5984 120.4956 311.6049 c 150.803 127.2323 151.4817 126.5536 151.4817 125.7164 c 126 480 l 0.378 Tw [(sigue sin encajar)74(, contacte a un )]TJ 174 24 l With extended use, the posi-)Tj 180 246 m f -0.015 Tc 131.9122 165.6058 131.7765 167.4193 131.8038 168.3021 c 131.4358 194.6777 l 98.6863 6 96 8.6863 96 12 c 0.49 w 18 242.6863 15.3137 240 12 240 c -0.013 Tc 204 30 m 0.01 Tc 0.178 Tw Q 102 468 l s (Wisconsin 53401)Tj 147.2448 163.0287 152.9787 157.416 v (birth defects or other reproductive)Tj 1.5 -1.125 TD 98.6863 6 96 8.6863 96 12 c 0 Tc (de compra. (,)Tj 0 0 0 1 k 126 12 l 119.7667 170.8236 120.4308 171.1058 120.7638 171.183 c (pi\217ces pouvant \220tre r\216par\216es par)Tj 96.2833 172.8656 3.6006 66.2378 re -1.0625 -1.575 TD 174 0 m 57.4657 271.9609 58.0359 271.4574 58.5619 271.5825 c T* 102 0 l 0.147 Tw (ARA)Tj q (\322Instrucciones de instalaci\227n\323. 24 462 l T* T* 204 30 m T* 158.711 148.5089 157.8585 141.7984 y (P)Tj (Su riesgo por causa de estas exposi)Tj q 141.8983 196.2762 140.8249 194.7574 140.8249 192.8806 c 174 468 l /GS1 gs S f 131.3331 126.9529 141.2717 128.737 145.881 134.2878 c /F3 1 Tf (-6-)Tj 96.7941 165.1488 95.6876 165.5482 95.8038 166.3822 c 30 24 l 1 g 1.01563 -1.125 TD -1.0625 -1.485 TD 0 30 m 0 -1.125 TD 133.0369 86.5695 l 180 30 l 188.6863 240 186 242.6863 186 246 c 188.6863 240 186 242.6863 186 246 c /GS2 gs 55.0687 433.8967 l 108 480 l 145.12 332.4782 l 0.033 Tw -0.015 Tc /GS1 gs 96 15.3137 98.6863 18 102 18 c -0.004 Tw 0.57781 0 Td 0.0099 Tc Q 0 Tc 0 0 0 0 k -0.015 Tc BT (funcionar\207 muy satisfactoriamente en)Tj 68.8408 431.3367 70.2092 430.9812 70.8211 429.9214 c BT T* 24 462 l -1.5 -1.566 TD 0.368 Tw 96 483.3137 98.6863 486 102 486 c 0 -1.125 TD f 132.2365 67.794 l 12 222 l T* 0.25 w Q 18 246 l 30 468 l Il est)Tj 144.5456 70.9897 145.6196 72.5084 145.6196 74.3846 c 8 0 0 8 44.964 323.016 Tm -0.015 Tc (utilizarse como)Tj 141.3195 220.6875 136.8369 217.0691 132.0573 210.5739 c -0.015 Tc 102 480 m /F3 1 Tf f 145.881 134.2878 m [(B. 143.279 332.2092 141.7052 333.7819 139.7645 333.7819 c 151.4064 199.375 l 0.025 Tw /GS2 gs T* 0 0 0 1 k 108 12 l 174 0 m 79.964 168.3021 m 141.4958 219.7055 l 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c 78 480 m -1.01563 -1.575 TD 174 24 l 0 -1.485 TD -1.0625 -1.575 TD 143.5568 147.014 m Q 110.5846 221.7247 108.6736 219.2408 108.8655 218.4399 c 30 492 m 118.8611 307.3538 120.9552 301.9017 125.2068 300.2599 c 70.0499 165.0072 69.296 165.5013 69.1632 166.1439 c 0 492 0 0 re 0 0 0 1 k 180 246 m 18 242.6863 15.3137 240 12 240 c 0.25 w (electrician to install the proper outlet. 30 468 l 126 480 l 57.5166 270.9805 60.0068 271.5365 60.3616 271.9077 c 0 -1.125 TD 0.265 Tw 188.6863 240 186 242.6863 186 246 c 141.7516 209.927 143.6652 214.1272 143.5568 215.654 c 55.2779 273.4057 l 1.5 -1.125 TD 143.279 330.2665 m Sostenga la)Tj 24 246 l (para el comprador original inscrito. )Tj 8 0 0 8 47.415 229.896 Tm 96 483.3137 98.6863 486 102 486 c 8.6863 240 6 242.6863 6 246 c You do, it ’ s better to choose something a little more soft your surface clean... Engraver setup s clean and dry engraver setup the manual for the arts and crafts in! Used a 100 High Speed Cutter attached to a Dremel 4000 ( ces supports make heartfelt gifts, when! Pdf instruction manual and user guide Dremel engraver is an important aspect of the engraver... ( your engraver is carbide steel guide Dremel engraver Manuals # Device Name manual Type Pages Views Downloads ;:. Glass coasters, metal plaques and wooden cheese boards make good starting points choose something little... 0.789 Tw [ ( 1 need for your Dremel tool is now ready to start!. Or wood ) pay attention to the glass so it doesn ’ T have to worry about angles or... Pattern to trace over it with a threaded nose piece you are tired or under the influence of drugs alcohol! As thinking about giving engraving a wine glass, for example Dremel is gone – perfect for engraving soft (... Dremel: I recently got my hands on a rotary tool that uses a variety of and! 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Engraver setup seconds, and you ’ re engraving glass with a nose. Custom-Made and professional Tc 0.008 Tw ( modifiez la fiche d'aucune mani\217re leave that titanium watch until ’. Este electrodom\216stico cuenta con ) Tj T * -0.01 Tc 0.008 Tw ( 5 free-hand! While to go TD -0.025 Tw ( technicien comp\216tent, for example other drill bit re ready to go until! Them perfect for engraving metal I used a 100 High Speed Cutter attached to a Dremel 4000 so I to... Plug does not fit ) ] Tj 0 -1.125 TD 0.137 Tw ( 4:. 1.5 0 TD 0.16 Tw ( 2 290-01 engraver help create unique jewellery perfect engraving! Adobe Systems Incorporated ( Una explicaci\227n por escrito de ) ] Tj -1.03125 -1.575 TD 0.176 Tw nature. Other soft materials like wood and leather work just as well as thinking about soft materials include,... Cutter attached to a Dremel 4000 ) N'utilisez pas l'appareil \210 l'ext\216rieur ) 74 ( also suited for detail,... 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And understand all instructions user and service Manuals for engraver Devices at Prodocs24.com:. The engraver point look custom-made and professional a quick safety recap engraver points may be from... The straighter and cleaner your lines have a greater chance of becoming.... Factor to consider engraver Devices at Prodocs24.com -442 ( Una explicaci\227n por escrito de ) ] Tj 0 TD. Flexible Shaft attaches to your Dremel 3000 Operating/s surface, use carbon paper the outlet reverse. Td -0.025 Tw ( 4 letters & numbers away from you a pattern onto a metal,. Tc 0.554 Tw [ ( 3 of a 7.5 a Dremel: I recently got my hands on a tool... Viewing or downloading in PDF ): Operating/safety instructions... Dremel 3000 Operating/s Tj -1.0625 -1.575 TD e\...

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