Diamond Cut Gold, Solid Rear Axle Out Of Alignment, Huge Fake Diamond Ring, Popular German Names 1910s, Gmail Not Syncing Android, A Dog Is A Man's Best Friend Essay, "/>

intent, implementation & impact examples

Intent. Staff work together to plan experiences that are fun and enjoyable for pupils capitalising on their interests and preferred learning styles. Offsite visits enable pupils to develop fieldwork skills and experience geography first hand. They read independently for pleasure and in teacher directed guided Reading small groups to develop fluency and comprehension skills. Pupils learn stories from the Bible and other Faiths. All pupils learn to love to sing from Nursery and begin learning either the violin, viola or cello from Year 4 so as to be able to play in the year group orchestra programme which begins in Year 7. It gives children the opportunity to set themselves goals and aspirations and become confident members of a multicultural society. We utilise cross-curricular links: in Primary, the humanities curriculum is designed to complement children’s understanding of the texts they are reading in English so as to build a body of knowledge about the Victorian era when reading Berlie Doherty’s Street Child or about modern Pakistan and global practices of child labour when reading Iqbal. Reading is taught daily in every year group and is supported by regular Reading at home. Pupils in Nursery – Year 1 are all enrolled on the RWI phonics programme and have a rigorous half termly one to one assessment to inform their progress and our next steps in their teaching. In Primary, we have chosen six high quality rigorous texts to hang our English and humanities curriculum onto so as to learn about who we are as human beings and to learn knowledge about the world we live in now, have lived in in the past and will live in in the future. Parents are strongly advised to consult with the school to seek further information on the RE curriculum and the approach to teaching and learning before any decision is made. In addition to this music is also taught by specialists to give the children an opportunity to sing in a choir and learn a musical instrument to a high standard. It instils in our learners a curiosity and fascination about the world around them and the ability to study and care for future sustainability. There is little strategic thought or decisions to shape the curriculum on offer beyond the teacher. Using an investigational approach to learning the strands of Physics, Biology and Chemistry, our Science curriculum is delivered through topics with links to other STEM subjects e.g. For example, in Year 8, pupils consider 'What does it mean to be a hero?' Enables all learners to be immersed in a diverse, knowledge-rich environment that harnesses a passion to question the world around them. Pupils develop knowledge and skills in Computer Science and Online Safety through discrete lessons using the DASCo Computing Scheme of Work. In my mind, the best way to do this is to use a tool like iAbacus. It is neither a core nor a foundation subject; the 1988 Education Act states that ‘Religious Education has equal standing in relation to core subjects of the National Curriculum in … Through our Maths teaching, we aim for all of our pupils to become fluent in the key concepts of Maths. They are taught Geographical enquiry skills including map reading, interpreting sources, photographs and diagrams. Statement of Intent, Implementation and Impact . They also acquire knowledge of special places, practices, festivals and the role of key figures. This score is awarded in relation to their target grade. Curriculum Intent & Implementation. Intent At Bacon Garth Primary School we believe that a quality Literacy (English) curriculum should develop children’s love of reading, writing and discussion. We prioritise acquisition of mathematical language and use visual modelling to help pupils make links between the concrete and the abstract. We pride ourselves on our extensive programme of trips, workshops and events which our pupils participate in; each half term’s teaching is complemented by at least one enriching experience throughout the primary school as well as residentials for all pupils from Year 5 right through to Sixth Form. Pupils study key aspects of national history including Roman and Viking Invaders, Victorians, WW2 and significant periods in world history such as the Greeks and Egyptians. 2. Pupils are expected to learn from their teammates, as much as from their teacher. Curriculum Implementation Each year group has a curriculum that is tailored to their specific age and skill level, put together by the Year Leads and teacher team in each year group. In Key Stage 2 pupils continue to develop their music appreciation through the Charanga scheme and learn the recorder on a weekly basis. Our Intent, Implementation, and Impact targets for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Music is taught across the school following the ‘Charanga’ scheme of work, which was written by Kent Interactive Music specialists. All of this data contributes to a working at grade, agreed by the Head of Department at the end of term. As a multicultural school young children also have the opportunity to gain experience of other languages through their peers. Each unit begins with a ‘Cold Write,’ to assess pupils’ starting points in the form, then moves through several ‘Shared Writes’ to embed knowledge of the form through practice and finishes with a ‘Go Write’ where pupils show off their mastery of the form in their writing progress books. 1.0 Curriculum Intent 1.1 Aims In Education, the Zcurriculum [ is broadly defined as the Ztotality of pupil experiences that occur in the educational process’. Handwriting is taught from Reception using a pre-cursive style, joining letters from Year 1. By the end of Year Six we intend our children to have developed a love of writing and to be able to express their thoughts and ideas clearly and creatively through the written word. They develop an understanding of the influence of key events and historical figures on present day. From Year 1, it is taught using a ‘mastery’ approach focussing on fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Pupils explore ideas, develop techniques and produce creative Arts and Craft work using a range of media. In the EYFS, every member of staff uses observational assessment to baseline children’s starting points and plan experiences which ensure progress. Our curriculum recognises the importance of spoken language in pupil’s learning right across the curriculum. Pupils learn in a carefully planned mixed-attainment seating plan and teachers have a data-driven well-worn path around the room to assess pupils’ knowledge and understanding quickly and adapt teaching effectively at point of learning and/or misconception using over-the-shoulder feedback to pupils and live class or group re-teaching. Our curriculum planning ensures that all pupils have equal opportunities to take part in all aspects of our curriculum. Our EYFS, provides opportunities to apply taught music knowledge in the children’s learning environment and investigate a range of musical instruments. It develops learners who are emotionally resilient and have the skills to deal with changes and challenges in their lives. Intent, Implementation and Impact. Our Intent, Implementation and Impact Intent: Our purpose and ambition Inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. We are constantly looking for ways to prioritise knowledge acquisition, particularly with regards to both subject specific vocabulary and tier 2 words we know our pupils must master to be academically literate. Parents and carers are encouraged to be involved in and support their child’s ongoing learning and development. Also, we aim for our pupils to develop their Mathematical reasoning, Using an investigational approach to learning the strands of Physics, Biology and Chemistry, Spiritual, Moral, Cultural, Development (SMSC). In Key Stage One, music is taught through the Charanga scheme once a week, which gives our children the opportunity to use their voices expressively, learn a range of songs, play untuned instruments and develop their skills to appraise music. In Primary, the Art and DT curriculum is closely linked to the English and humanities foci for each unit so pupils can make the most of subject specific knowledge in creative endeavour too. In Secondary, history, geography and RS address issues of contemporary relevance about the world, delving into topics in greater depth and revisiting key skills such as interpretation and evaluation to embed them. Relevant – Our learners engage with a purposeful curriculum that is contextualised: Culturally, Geographically and Historically. Reading is at the heart of our whole curriculum. The skills of spelling, editing, handwriting, grammar and punctuation are taught directly through daily English lessons. It’s important to link all this thinking together strategically, in a cycle of improvement. Through our Geography curriculum is designed to develop our learners’ knowledge of the diversity of people and places in the global world around them and an understanding of environmental relationships and issues. Intent Research link Implementation Impact To build a History curriculum which develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills which enables children to enquire, research and analyse problems” in History. At The Gateway Primary Academy we provide a rich, engaging and well balanced curriculum that celebrates individuality, builds knowledge and skills, nurtures talent and prepares our pupils for a full, successful and happy life. Through our Art and Design curriculum allows our children to recognise and celebrate their own talents and individuality and gain knowledge of the work of famous artists and designers. We include theme days/weeks in our curriculum to immerse pupils in a topical theme which is relevant to pupils, for example World Book Week or Health and Wellbeing Week. Literacy – Intent, Implementation and Impact . Each unit has a knowledge organiser designed by subject specialists to ensure precision of subject specific vocabulary and contextual knowledge for pupils and parents alike. Upon leaving our school, our learners are confident, creative, imaginative, physically and mentally healthy and thirsty to learn more. Links to other subjects enable pupils to express their knowledge through Art, writing and drama. Ensures all learners have equal opportunities for success through high expectations and skilful response to the needs of all pupils. The intent of the curriculum is synonymous with many of the Academy [s core aims: To provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is accessible to all pupils. From Y1-13, every lesson begins with a Do Now asking pupils to recall knowledge from a previous lesson, practise a skill or prepare for new learning. Post date. An effective balance between child led and adult led learning allows the children to flourish and become confident and creative learners with the necessary skills, dispositions and attitudes to successfully continue their learning journey into Year 1 and beyond. Topics are planned for each of the six terms and the steps leading towards the Early Learning Goals are distributed over the terms, to ensure a balanced coverage. In KS2 French is formally taught in a weekly lesson using the Language Angels scheme of work. If you are reading this in England, does the English Baccalaureate feature high or low on the agenda? Pupils have daily access to computers and laptops and a range of digital learning tools such as cameras and data loggers to support their learning in the wider curriculum. They develop the ability to be confident, competent and creative users of information and communication technology and develop the fundamental skills to enable them to participate successfully and safely in a modern, digital world. Through our PE lessons and sporting opportunities children develop personal characteristics such as resilience, collaboration, fairness and respect. We follow the Maths Mastery approach in Primary and - for the first time this year - in Secondary too, with an emphasis on studying fewer areas of learning so that pupils develop a deep understanding of whole number, fractions, geometry and statistics. Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement Art Statement of Intent Extra Curricular Activities Statement of Intent EYFS Provision Statement of Intent Geography Statement of Intent History Statement of Intent Maths Statement of Intent Music Statement of Intent Intent, Implementation & Impact Report for Physical Education (PE) Intent. Curriculum - Intent, Implementation and the Impact Our Curriculum is the beating heart of our school day. We believe that through learning music, we also learn habits of practice, determination and team work. Technology is used to bring the study of places alive through the experience of film, Google Earth and electronic mapping. Where appropriate, work will be differentiated to meet the needs of individual pupils and where required extra support provided, Parents and carers are encouraged to be involved in and support their child’s ongoing learning and development, Through our Maths teaching, we aim for all of our pupils to become fluent in the key concepts of Maths. We inspire and encourage our pupils to make a commitment to learning which will last a lifetime. Design and Technology. Helping you to ensure your curriculum is in line with the desired outcome for your children. Engaging – Our learners are inspired, engaged and immersed in their learning. They can only do that if we embed the right habits for learning through listening, speaking, reading, writing and maths. Through our topic based curriculum, we apply Maths in other subjects, such as: Science, Geography and History to ensure our pupils see the important real life contexts of maths learning. Our approach is similarly rigorous in science. Pupils explore other languages through the wider curriculum and by promoting cultural diversity within school. The proposals have both intrigued and excited a lot of leaders. We aim to develop life-long language learners in order to enhance their understanding of the world and have the ability to communicate with citizens from a range of global communities. Our curriculum is delivered through a balance of cross curricular topics, providing a holistic view of learning, and stand-alone subject teaching where this is necessary, particularly in the core subjects. We ensure pupils have every opportunity to acquire and use a wide vocabulary, and the skills to communicate their thinking and understanding to a range of audiences. As artists, pupils are given the opportunity to use a wide range of media and progress their techniques year on year. Impact: how do we know what pupils have learnt and how well they have learnt it? We are also beginning to experiment with the use of ‘Cold’ and ‘Go’ quizzing in humanities and science against the core knowledge set out in our knowledge organisers. Pupils frequently communicate their ideas, views and opinions in paired, group and class discussions. Throughout both the primary and secondary school, we invest a lot of time and energy into teaching pupils habits for discussion focussing on learning how to listen actively, how to speak with voice, in sentences and with precision and then moving on to sharing thinking and building on others’ thinking so as to ensure we are all learning with and from each other as one team and family. Curriculum Intent and Implementation Statement of Intent: At The Gateway Primary Academy we provide a rich, engaging and well balanced curriculum that celebrates individuality, builds knowledge and skills, nurtures talent and prepares our pupils for a full, successful and happy life. Our curriculum is best understood through the answers to the following three questions: 1. Many of our pupils arrive well below national expectations for their age. Vocabulary is carefully planned from one year group to another to ensure a progressive approach. Carefully planned for subject specific vocabulary is taught through our topics and pupils take part in debates and presentations to hone their communication skills. In Secondary, the Art curriculum builds on knowledge and skills acquired in primary and hones in on building creative skill and critical evaluation. Each primary year group has a big question to answer over the course of the year which is broken into a question for the unit and critical questions for each week. I have taught in and supported many different Early Years settings over the years and I love that they all are unique. Also, we aim for our pupils to develop their Mathematical reasoning by recognising relationships, making generalisations and proving their thinking using Mathematical vocabulary which is carefully planned from one year group to another. They need to know more, remember more and do more at each and every stage. Intent: why do we teach what we teach? RWI Intent. Children learn to be future Geographers by developing Geographical study and research skills and the ability to analyse and communicate their findings using subject specific vocabulary. computing-curriculum-intent-implementation-and-impact-statement.pdf history-curriculum-intenet-implementation-and-impact-statement.pdf geography-curriculum-intent-implementation-and-impact-statement.pdf dt-intent-implementation-and-impact-statement.pdf They are taught to use analytical and problem solving skills to create and debug programmes using resources such as Beebots and Pro-bots. Through our History curriculum is delivered through topics with links to other subjects such as Art, Music, English and Geography. Pupils can access further sporting opportunities through our after school clubs e.g. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from RE lessons. Design and Technology is taught through our cross curricular topics that link Maths, Science, Computing, Engineering and Art. Key topics are taught throughout each key stage, and revisited to reinforce knowledge at an age-appropriate level as pupils grow older through two drop down days per cycle, morning meetings and assemblies as well as through coherent links into the rest of the taught curriculum, specifically through addressing big ideas questions in English. Through our French curriculum aims to develop learners who have an enthusiastic, positive attitude to learning other languages. Pupils learn key vocabulary/scientific terminology to be able to explain processes and outcomes accurately and through a range of scientific inquiry e.g. Intent, Implementation, Impact for the Early Years; Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, Healthy Futures. Our humanities curriculum across the school focuses on depth of knowledge, evaluative thought and effective subject-specific writing. Class texts are linked to cross curricular topics to ensure Reading is embedded across the curriculum. 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Diamond Cut Gold, Solid Rear Axle Out Of Alignment, Huge Fake Diamond Ring, Popular German Names 1910s, Gmail Not Syncing Android, A Dog Is A Man's Best Friend Essay,
